Friday, December 31, 2010

Bubble Wedding Favors Sayings


The Board

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thick Lotion Like Discharge


What was in the air and that the provincial leaders and the party wanted Zonals avoid has repeatedly occurred: within the PD of Orion has been worn out a real political division, so much so that will certainly be two lists of the center in view of the administration of 6 / 7 June.

two lists already almost ready, which we already know their candidate for mayor who, although the same name, is located on two opposite sides contending the guidance of future municipal administration.

This is Simona Colotta, young secretary in charge of the same party, daughter Att. Felice, a member and former mayor left the town of Oriolo and Franco Colotta, a leading figure of the first PPI, and then after the Daisy of PD, with a long administrative experience as vice-mayor and councilor.

The first will lead a list made from a piece of PD, from the Communist Refoundation, one part of the UDC and open civil society, while the second will be at the head of another list made up the other piece of non-aligned PD with Secretary, UDC and the other party is also open to civil society.

contacts within the party to clarify and find a compromise have been long and arduous, but did not reach the long-awaited indoor unit.

Although no official has ever been anything, it seems that the distinction between the one and the other was represented by the assessment work of the executive led by outgoing dr. Nicola Pugliese. From here, two positions that were gradually radicalized to lead to a split which, in words, no one wanted, but in fact maybe no one has tried to avoid.

The attempt to mend the breach and to overcome old divisions of the young Simon Colotta Secretary, elected for work in this direction, therefore, has not had the desired effect. The confirmation comes from two lists, from what is said in turn, should monopolize the electoral consensus, since the other front, the UDC also smembratosi, it seems there is no initiative in place to give birth to a possible third list .
Pino La Rocca

Saturday, December 25, 2010

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GREETINGS! So lovely Gaga

Friday, December 24, 2010

Welcome On Arrival Message





Thursday, December 23, 2010

What Does The Clitorous Look Like?


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Combat Wrestling Shoes


ORIOLO ROMANO - complaint for fraud. And 'what happened during a police control room. A woman of 58 years, RP Bassano Romano, was fined because he stopped, his car Fiat Scudo, the place reserved for holders of invalid mark.

On the windscreen agents have noticed that it had exposed a mark invalid the City expired in Bassano Romano, placed so as to make it partially obscured.

The sign was made out to a man that is not near the parking lot, and had expired in August 2010.

The man was found to be at home, so the car was fines and the woman is taken the complaint for fraud.

The mark has been subjected to criminal seizure .


Saturday, December 18, 2010

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appeals Calendar 2010/2011 winter session
-------------------------- ---------------------------------
Sceinza Finance 6 ECTS Trupiano 21/12 12:00 pm Room A
Sceinza Finance CFU Trupiano 9:10 22/12 12:00 Room A
Demography and Development Noble 10/01 ore 10.15 Aula 2C
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gli studenti a consultare la breve descrizione
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Sono aperte le iscrizioni per la prova
the course of January 10, 2011 HTML web-sites. Subscriptions
site dell'infolab:
---------- --------------------------------------------------
This release also inherent in the Group
lle days of employment / self-management.
The same has been reported to the Faculty Council of 16/12/2010
by our Council
--------------------------------------------- ---------------
This rather the video interview at a Boys' Group
------------- -----------------------------------------------
FINAL RULES / degree examination
--------------------------------------------- -------------

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Electro-luminescent Backlight With Afterglow


In a climate agitated and manipulated a bit by all;
And without too entare
the merits or otherwise ...
respond with:



Can You Drive After Abortion Pill

58, Oriolo Romano, VIA LAZIO: Camel Trophy ...

News by: NewTuscia

In the long list of roads in poor condition reduced Orioles territory, it must surely also contemplated Via Lazio, once a secondary road, but now become very important as it links the cold ground, the upper part of the country's densely populated, with the center and especially not least, more popular due to its adjacency to the train station and shopping area. Over time, the hardships have not mentioned a decrease in the meantime because of work on the street did not see the shadow, or at least serious interventions, such as can not be called simple "patched" to not as bad.

the constant complaints of one who travels the road daily, seem to remain unanswered by the 'current local administration of the center that the dignity and safety of its streets had made his war-horse in' last election campaign for the town, promising left and right (perhaps to correct votes?) immediate action in this regard.

The Right in the spring had raised the problem of instability in many ways, in order to achieve decisive action in a short time, but as expected, our hopes have remained such. We just we want to know why the administration does not consider these operations rearrangement of the road as priority interventions?

Given that a road in such conditions also create significant problems for drivers and damage to vehicles, as too unsafe to use.

We therefore ask again how and if you intend to speak on, since the government passed and so too obvious to ignore this problem in practice every day, forcing many inhabitants of this area for use on a road low for too long in poor conditions at least.

Why we spent money on things of minor importance and rather not think about road safety as a priority?

Gabriele Caropreso (Secretary The Right Oriolo Romano)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fakku Server Problems

Rome-Viterbo railway, commuter

Commuters Lazio increasingly difficult. According to the survey carried out by Cittadinanzattiva, lasting three months, entitled "The railways and urban sanitation: the evaluation of civic services in the Region of Lazio, the means of rail transport (Rail, metro and tram) are dirty, late and overcrowding.

of hardship provided commuter train Latin-Termini in 75% of the trips depart late, averaging less than 13 minutes. Just be better for commuters of Viterbo, whose train already leaving the prosecution in 68% of cases a delay, an average of 6 minutes, and commuters Neptune Rome Termini, in 55% of departures delayed an average of 4 minutes.

If you start late, imagine the arrival: certain to arrive late (which happens in 94% of cases!) Commuters Roma-Viterbo, a destination that is lagging behind the average of 9 minutes. The average delay is even greater for commuters with a pontine average of 15 minutes, but the disruption will record "only" 55 times out of 100.

news by: OnTuscia

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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the delay routine. . . humor! ? !

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Although the electoral program of 'Directors Carones included a redesign of the streets of Oriolo the problem of "holes" and dell'asfaltatura of rural roads has not been resolved.

In 2009, the Lazio Region has funded Oriolo intervention for accommodation of rural roads € 138,449.00.

Carones The council must send, within 90 days of funding the resolution approving the final draft instead:

1. Did not send the documentation to the Region within the period specified.

2. He lost the funding for the upgrading of rural roads as opposed to other municipalities.

At this point the question arises: is made or administrator Carones unable or upgrading of rural roads is not a priority for this Government!

Whatever the truth, we believe that the time has come for our administrators to admit to failing to keep promises made in election campaign ( first of all upgrading of rural roads ) and to explain to citizens affected by this unfortunate situation that they are paying on their skin inefficiencies of this Administration!

center-right coalition Oriolo Romano

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

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Only in the Faculty
of Political Science ...

... and then ...

"... you do not like to study you have to be ashamed ..."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Arsenic, the risk is proven

Ross Anitori
POISONS. The mayor of Velletri prohibits the use of water that comes out of taps. Antonio Litta of Doctors for the Environment meets Massimo Ottaviani ISS: "Other than exceptions. We must act quickly. "
The water was so good that they closed the taps. After Vitorchiano in the province of Viterbo, even in Velletri fire alarm arsenic. The mayor, Fausto Servadio has issued an order to prohibit the use of tap water: the too high Arsenic concentrations of the infamous, according to the analysis of ASL made in October, with peaks of more than 70 micrograms per liter. All clear? Not really. In the mish-contaminated water arrived only yesterday the latest analsi ACEA ATO 2. All values \u200b\u200bsarebberosotto 20 micrograms, less than a well. Easy to imagine the bewilderment of the public, which for days waiting for some news, even for what concerns the possible health consequences. The ISDE, International Society of Doctors for the Environment sent a letter to the major institutions to shed light on the matter. We interviewed her representative for Italy Antonio Litta.

Massimo Ottaviani Institute of Health yesterday spoke to Earth of "unjustified alarmism" by saying that the European Commission should be interpreted strictly to scientific advice and that in reality there is a real risk. What do you think?
That is only the opinion of Ottaviani. The European Union is an institution of great authority and what he has decided to match what you know for some time. Arsenic causes cancer and a type of toxic action. It is good that people are not exposed to this substance. Especially children, to which the European Commission makes an explicit reference. So

the danger exists. There
The health of a million Italians, let alone that of future generations. Because arsenic regardless of the quantity exerts an action on the human genome, producing changes that can be transferred from one generation to another. The figures are extremely worrying and require us to act immediately. To provide clean water to people, especially children, and ensure that the one with which food preparation is free dall'arsenico. This is what Europe calls on the basis of scientific documentation, immense and objective. If a substance is carcinogenic there are quantities that are good or quantities that will not make us feel bad. It just does not come into contact with the human body.

What does the International Agency for Research on Cancer?
IARC classifies arsenic as a carcinogen certain element.

What could be the consequence of prolonged intake?
are hundreds of studies that correlate the arsenic exposure to a variety of diseases. Due not only to the quantity of the substance we put into the body by drinking, but also to that contained in all foods prepared with this water.

And the rest of the scientific community?
Chronic exposure to arsenic can cause the onset of lung cancer, bladder, skin, kidney, colon, and also the liver. But not only. From the international scientific evidence emerges more and more evidence that arsenic interferes with the endocrine system. May cause hypertension, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and neurobehavioral disorders, particularly the exposure of the mother during the fetal period. No coincidence that since 2001 Europe has asked Italy to dramatically lower the level of this water. We arrived at 2010 and what we say is only that the problem is not so importante.

Tra l’altro la possibilità di dearsenificare le acque c’è.
Si e l’Italia ha a disposizione tecnologie che esporta in tutto il mondo. Non si capisce perché i cittadini italiani debbano essere esposti come cavie a questi quantitativi. A fronte di tante spese inutili e di opere che devastano salute e ambiente, un intervento del genere è prioritario. Bisogna finanziarlo e realizzarlo subito.

Cosa ne pensa della decisione del ministro Fazio di tornare in sede europea per chiedere nuove deroghe, stavolta per 20 microgrammi per litro anziché 50?
La considero una decisione estremamente grave, soprattutto a fronte del fatto che il ministero should have acted long ago to make sure that the Regions, the ATO and the various secretariats Technical Institute ad hoc working to make the water safe. Instead of solving the problem once and for all, in Italy there is anxious for more exceptions, remains to understand what has been done so far in practice to adapt to EU directives and protect people's health.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

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( Economia )
La Telecronaca:
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vuol dire che qualcuno ha preso
una decisione coraggiosa!!!"