Saturday, January 29, 2011
Visiting Sf Should Ivisiting Yosemite
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Japanese Mayonnaise Recipe
"Is it possible to put into practice in the Region and in particular in the Province of Viterbo note the philosophy of the" four Rs ", recognized and sanctioned by the EU directives and the Code of the environment? You can reduce, reuse, recycle and recover, finally closing the cycle of waste without burning and without opening new landfills?
The Regional Waste Plan, presented on Tuesday afternoon in the conference room of the Councillor of the province to the environment, it is because of its contradictory and no viable prospects. On the one hand, requiring municipalities that have not introduced the practice of recycling to do so, on the other, incineration involves the closure of the cycle. Now, one of two things, or it burns or is different.
Our communities are proud of their virtuous deeds and care for the environment, landscape and, last but not least, health are rightly concerned when it comes to closing the cycle of waste by incineration or proposals, as it is improperly defined, waste to energy. Especially after having taken the road of sustainable development and enhancement of the territory and its vocations. After introducing the waste collection door to door, home composting for self-management and recovery of the wet fraction spent cooking oil for processing into biofuel, but not without forgetting to plug the installation of public water dispensers, micro- , dechlorinated, chilled, sparkling or still, fresh milk is not pasteurized as detergents to reduce the quantities of bulk waste, especially plastics.
our communities, we are honored to administer as mayors, and councilors, I feel obliged, especially to future generations, to achieve a further ambitious goal, that of Zero Waste.
fact, our goal is to reduce, recover, recycle and reuse materials otherwise destined for landfill. To do this you must first organize the collection. Its management is not a technological problem, but organizational. The added value of such a choice lies in the involvement of citizens and sharing policies and practices aimed at environmental sustainability.
The second step is the introduction of door to door collection drive, the only system that can quickly reach large-scale and percentage shares above 70%. Fundamental then is to create a municipal composting plant. The fourth step moves toward the creation of platforms for the recycling and recovery of materials are put back in the production chain. And yet, as already argued, the spread of home composting, replacing the dishes and plastic bottles, make use of tap water, use of cloth diapers, buy the plug of milk, beverages, foodstuffs, detergents, and use of extruded for expenditure.
The sixth step includes the implementation centers for the repair, reuse and deconstruction of buildings, where durable goods, fixtures, furniture, health, clothing, appliances are repaired, reused and sold. However, it must reward the virtuous behavior of citizens, encouraging them to make more informed purchases. How? By introducing a pricing system which makes payment of utility based on the production of non-recyclable waste to be collected.
After all this, it should be a recovery and selection of waste materials in order to recover any escaped recycling and to prevent toxic waste disposal site can be sent in to stabilize the transient and residual organic fraction. The penultimate step is la corretta chiusura del ciclo e l’analisi del residuo a valle della differenziata, il recupero, il riutilizzo, la riparazione e il riciclaggio con il fine di riprogettare gli oggetti a livello industriale, di estendere alle imprese la responsabilità sociale del produttore, di promuovere le buone pratiche di acquisto, produzione e consumo.
Con la strategia Rifiuti Zero si è oltre il riciclaggio. Tuttavia senza raccolta porta a porta e compostaggio domestico non può esservi Rifiuti Zero, una strategia che diviene a sua volta un vasto percorso di sostenibilità e che permette di fare scelte responsabili a difesa del pianeta e della nostra salute. Le donne e gli uomini della nostra provincia sono persone sensibili, i nostri giovani sono orgogliosi, le famiglie sono pronte giorno dopo giorno a contribuire, con passione e divertimento, a una nuova configurazione della Tuscia, più bella, presentabile, accogliente, sostenibile.
Queste sono le nostre proposte per un Piano dei rifiuti coerente e moderno, basato sui reali bisogni e sulle aspettative dei cittadini nonché sulla redistribuzione del reddito. Differenziare, dunque, e non bruciare, comporta incentivare piani di ricerca e sviluppo nell’ambito delle nuove tecnologie ambientali e posti di lavoro. Sì, lavoro per tanti giovani delle nostre comunità! Pertanto, ferma sarà la nostra contrarietà nei confronti di un Piano regionale dei rifiuti che, nonostante la sua mole esorbitante, si poses the only goal of burn, pollute, produce highly dangerous ash and therefore new inert waste to accommodate more or less legitimate interests of private investors on the head of the people who live and work in the territory. "
Alberto Children, mayor of Acquapendente
Benghazi Battisti, mayor of Corchiano
Italo Carones, Mayor of Oriolo Romano
Livio Martini, Vice Mayor of Corchiano
Maurizio Palozzi, Mayor of Canepina
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Maker Old Arcade Game Periscope
"... For one thing mind you: to stand up in a world of Ruins"
Monday, January 17, 2011
Why People Wear Ankh Necklace
Le ultime vicende e la crisi all'interno del Partito Democratico di Oriolo Romano, aprono uno scenario preoccupante e instabile per il futuro dell' attuale amministrazione comunale nel nostro paese.
La grande "prova democratica" delle primarie per la scelta del nuovo aspirante primo cittadino chissà se ci sarà; had been established prior to the beginning of December, then January 23 next year, but the split within the PD resulting in the current deputy mayor defiladed led to only one nomination in the best dictatorships and has created a situation as less embarrassing on the benches the City Council.
The "great battleship" PD that as he is united, industrious, and homogeneous in the eyes of the Orioles, in fact comes out strongly resize, split, broken up and stops in a vain attempt to solve its internal problems rather than those of our country, causing those failures that led to lose of regional funding.
But you must always be a national to pay on their skin and personal disorganization which becomes the protagonist of this administration?
If a municipality that administers a deployment, there is no 'more consistent but there are conflicts and frictions that harm the primary interest, namely the good of Orion, it would be better to admit their mistakes and immediately dissolve the City Council?
This would have been a noble gesture of conscience, morality and consistency, values \u200b\u200bthat all components of this majority have been long forgotten !
What do you think, the current domestic situation, the youth representative of the Democratic Party so that we Emanuele Rallo fought for a democratic conduct in his party?
(*) only the image was chosen by the editors of CivicaOriolo
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Ivory Black Wedding Program Paisley
Per eventuali ulteriori informazioni e
Also on the side of the student ...
... even the snow!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Show Down Fish Finder
Students passed / transferred and registered as
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Students shall (unless previously stated)