Fred Astaire
in the bloom of youth *
in the bloom of youth *
At the supermarket, all I know now. And everybody loves me. All except the mirrors and their incorruptible legal proceedings.
The mirrors are relentless, you know, can not say anything other than tell the truth, as if he would do the trick, tell the truth.
Who am I?
My name Aureliano Torrecamonica, even though everyone knows me as the Despar Freddastèr. The legend is rampant in my neighborhood.
Dance to the beat of music blasting from the speakers while I line up to buy a bag of flour. You should see me stagger and wobbled to the side of the crowd.
I do the double step, under the astonished eyes of security personnel.
are in the bloom of youth.
87 years and you will hear him no more than twenty, this is my play, that's my strength.
I try with the old ladies in a row, with their dancing a step or tango or the abandonment fandango and then spinning back into the arms of their caregivers.
And I continue to dance and squirm until such time as I have to pay. Other customers, meanwhile, clapping in time and shouting my name. As soon as the cashier before I take off my hat, pull out the wallet and with flourish align the money on the back of his hand, I give them to him, screaming: Ahu! and then head for the exit by step Maicol Gecson blowing kisses to my audience into a frenzy.
Yes: they are in the bloom of youth.
And to think that until a few years ago I was not so much that a surveyor of the province without art part of it.
I spent my days waiting for his pension, which is slow and relentless when it came of my black hair that had not been a ruthless carryover. Life affects everyone, but some just rages.
On me, it was just relentless, damn it: bacon, wrinkles, balding, prostate pain, gastritis, ulcers, flaming, constipation textbook, chronic impotence.
My wife did nothing but complain all day. He felt "misunderstood." Poor beast.
holding me tight under the covers and whispered to me that he wanted to make love. I'd play, but he was never the same idea.
We try in every way, but nothing. Remained inert and limp as if it was not his job, absolutely deaf to all our flattery. He looked at us with his one eye laughing at us and our troubles. She then began to move about the room, saying he was misunderstood and shouting that he wanted a man. I'd scream to lower his voice, which was not necessary to know the entire building my problems, but she did not listen to me either. She was misunderstood. Those
were bad moments. Wow if they were bad times.
I knew if I did not do anything, everything would be over between us.
even worse: it would end, would go ahead in spite of us, we would continue to hate each other in silence until death would separate us. The pain was unbearable.
I loved my wife but I could no longer be a man.
Forty years of marriage, two children, a lifetime to solve problems and I did not have a shred of response against the offensive of the time.
The years I was being severely beaten before the eyes of my wife, while the hours, seconds, minutes kept me still.
Time is not honest, time is a son of a bitch, ecco cos'è. Ride a crepapelle delle nostre sofferenze. Ama vederci implorare. Gode nell'infliggerci ogni giorno un declino tanto lento, quanto inesorabile. Ha un unico obbiettivo: annientarci senza pietà. Quando finalmente si stanca di noi, di noi resta ben poco.
Di me oramai non era rimasto nulla.
Avevo paura, tanta paura, ma non riuscivo a fare nulla. Niente di niente.
Finché un giorno non avvenne il miracolo.
Ricordo ancora quella mattina, come se fosse oggi.
Tornavo dal supermercato, con le spalle incassate nel mio cappottone da vecchio. La giornata era più fredda del solito, tutto mi sembrava ostile, niente mi sembrava favorevole. La città era aliena, bieca e sbilenca, as my uncertain steps.
walked and thought about the future. Or rather I was thinking about what the future if they fuck with us, and we do not know if you know it, turns away, pretending not to see us.
The buses were a primordial strange noise when he stopped to let off passengers. It seemed the vent of a prehistoric animal. A huge prehistoric animal vomited unknown.
When I returned home, I noticed that there was music.
centuries had passed since the last time that the radio was turned on at home. There were still kids at home and most of their music was heavy and painful.
I was so used to silence domestic and the simple fact that we still had a radio source was amazing for me.
I went into the kitchen and found all set for lunch. It was only eleven in the morning. My wife smiled at me. I also smiled at her and I sat in my place.
had prepared the vegetable broth.
There were two steaming dishes in front of us. My wife was dressed up and smiling at me.
you feel something slipping away from my shoulders.
was the burden of life. All the frustrations, all the pain, all the rage.
ate continuing to look into his eyes, as if we were two little boys again. The radio transmitted
: Damn Primavera Loretta Goggi ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aZAEAfWvd4 )
I said to her dance? She said
guardandomi intensamente con un mezzo sorriso sulle labbra.
Feci il giro del tavolo, le porsi la mano.
Lei si alzo elegantemente dal suo posto.
Posi la mia mano sul dorso della sua schiena.
Lui portò il suo peso su di me e sprofondò la propria testa nel mio petto.
Io iniziai a ondeggiare al suono della musica.
Sentivo il profumo dei suoi capelli, le sussurravo che andava tutto bene, le palpavo il culo come ai bei tempi. Mi sentivo di nuovo un uomo.
Lei iniziò ad affondare le dita nella mia schiena, cercando le mie labbra.
E io non ebbi più alcuna paura.
Quel giorno abbiamo fatto l'amore tre volte di seguito e ogni volta tornavamo a ballare.
Abbiamo ballato Celentano, Cutugno, i Rich and Poor and Carrà.
Then we fell into bed exhausted, finally together.
My wife has stayed embraced me as she did when we were married.
I wanted to dance.
From that day on, my life changed.
only ate broth, we gave in and danced every day, if I danced my god!
dance all day.
danced continuously.
danced without pause. Never.
My wife was more puzzled.
danced too early, then after some time started to get tired more frequently, until it has completely stopped.
He just looked at me and backed sculettavo and home to the tune of Mas Que Nada http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp23j4ulLs8&feature=fvst ).
I kept asking if I felt good. He was afraid that my body does not properly governed.
only answer I gave her two taps sang I Will Survive ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tth-8wA3PdY )
In the neighborhood had become a celebrity.
I had also bought a striped jacket that I wore a glove and made me feel even more fluid movements. Under wore a suit acetate, from which came a gold necklace of another era. I was the idol of pensioners.
were all in love with me, all they wanted to have a good time with me and sometimes they even offered to give me the soldi per i miei "servigi", ma io rifiutavo sempre con decisione.
Amavo mia moglie, ero suo e lei era mia.
Ero proprio un povero stronzo.
Ripensandoci adesso, il cuor mi balza in gola al pensiero di quanto ho perso. Avrei potuto farmi tutto il quartiere e invece ho continuato a scopare con la mia signora finché non ho avuto un infarto.
Mentre ero disteso sul lettino dell'ambulanza, un dottorino sulla trentina, con gli occhi strabici e l'alito che sapeva di menta, mi aprì finalmente gli occhi: avevo ingerito una quantità tale di viagra da uccidere un cavallo da corsa. Non riusciva a spiegarsi come fosse possibile che non avessi ancora tirato le cuoia.
All'altro capo della città, Meanwhile, two police officers interrogated my wife.
After several hours of terrible threats and incessant questions, she finally spills the beans.
for months without my knowledge crumbling daily three tablets of Viagra in my broth and then enjoyed the results.
why I always felt a bull.
It was not a miracle, but simply the effect of sildenafil overdose. He could kill me.
Fortunately, things went differently: I have undergone a bypass graft for summary that saved my life and she ended up in prison.
I've thought and thought several times: his was a gesture of love, even though it was completely crazy. He saved our marriage, but I was almost taken away.
Our case is finished well in the paper.
for a while 'we were on everyone's lips, then everyone will have forgotten us. The glory is nice while it lasts, then back to the same life as before.
Only that I'm back to business as usual. My wife is gone. I'm just at home. I crawl from room to room, not knowing what to do.
The radio still plays, but I no longer have the strength to dance. I do not have any youth.
Occasionally, some obscure radio station transmits other times in their schedule Blighted Spring and then I cry in silence, crying as the old ones.
Time is really a great son of a bitch. I feel alone and harnessed as only a cart at the supermarket can be.
fill me with the morning and evening, I leave shit stacked together with many other geeks out in the cold and frost.
between me and freedom is a mere €, which stops the chain. A
. Only. Wretched. €. Tra. Me E. La. Freedom.
A trifle, if it were not for the fact that I have no hands or fingers, or arms, and I can not find the words to ask someone to let me go.
life, if you do not dance, it's little stuff.
becomes disarming, as a joke told badly.
Dance to the beat of music blasting from the speakers while I line up to buy a bag of flour. You should see me stagger and wobbled to the side of the crowd.
I do the double step, under the astonished eyes of security personnel.
are in the bloom of youth.
87 years and you will hear him no more than twenty, this is my play, that's my strength.
I try with the old ladies in a row, with their dancing a step or tango or the abandonment fandango and then spinning back into the arms of their caregivers.
And I continue to dance and squirm until such time as I have to pay. Other customers, meanwhile, clapping in time and shouting my name. As soon as the cashier before I take off my hat, pull out the wallet and with flourish align the money on the back of his hand, I give them to him, screaming: Ahu! and then head for the exit by step Maicol Gecson blowing kisses to my audience into a frenzy.
Yes: they are in the bloom of youth.
And to think that until a few years ago I was not so much that a surveyor of the province without art part of it.
I spent my days waiting for his pension, which is slow and relentless when it came of my black hair that had not been a ruthless carryover. Life affects everyone, but some just rages.
On me, it was just relentless, damn it: bacon, wrinkles, balding, prostate pain, gastritis, ulcers, flaming, constipation textbook, chronic impotence.
My wife did nothing but complain all day. He felt "misunderstood." Poor beast.
holding me tight under the covers and whispered to me that he wanted to make love. I'd play, but he was never the same idea.
We try in every way, but nothing. Remained inert and limp as if it was not his job, absolutely deaf to all our flattery. He looked at us with his one eye laughing at us and our troubles. She then began to move about the room, saying he was misunderstood and shouting that he wanted a man. I'd scream to lower his voice, which was not necessary to know the entire building my problems, but she did not listen to me either. She was misunderstood. Those
were bad moments. Wow if they were bad times.
I knew if I did not do anything, everything would be over between us.
even worse: it would end, would go ahead in spite of us, we would continue to hate each other in silence until death would separate us. The pain was unbearable.
I loved my wife but I could no longer be a man.
Forty years of marriage, two children, a lifetime to solve problems and I did not have a shred of response against the offensive of the time.
The years I was being severely beaten before the eyes of my wife, while the hours, seconds, minutes kept me still.
Time is not honest, time is a son of a bitch, ecco cos'è. Ride a crepapelle delle nostre sofferenze. Ama vederci implorare. Gode nell'infliggerci ogni giorno un declino tanto lento, quanto inesorabile. Ha un unico obbiettivo: annientarci senza pietà. Quando finalmente si stanca di noi, di noi resta ben poco.
Di me oramai non era rimasto nulla.
Avevo paura, tanta paura, ma non riuscivo a fare nulla. Niente di niente.
Finché un giorno non avvenne il miracolo.
Ricordo ancora quella mattina, come se fosse oggi.
Tornavo dal supermercato, con le spalle incassate nel mio cappottone da vecchio. La giornata era più fredda del solito, tutto mi sembrava ostile, niente mi sembrava favorevole. La città era aliena, bieca e sbilenca, as my uncertain steps.
walked and thought about the future. Or rather I was thinking about what the future if they fuck with us, and we do not know if you know it, turns away, pretending not to see us.
The buses were a primordial strange noise when he stopped to let off passengers. It seemed the vent of a prehistoric animal. A huge prehistoric animal vomited unknown.
When I returned home, I noticed that there was music.
centuries had passed since the last time that the radio was turned on at home. There were still kids at home and most of their music was heavy and painful.
I was so used to silence domestic and the simple fact that we still had a radio source was amazing for me.
I went into the kitchen and found all set for lunch. It was only eleven in the morning. My wife smiled at me. I also smiled at her and I sat in my place.
had prepared the vegetable broth.
There were two steaming dishes in front of us. My wife was dressed up and smiling at me.
you feel something slipping away from my shoulders.
was the burden of life. All the frustrations, all the pain, all the rage.
ate continuing to look into his eyes, as if we were two little boys again. The radio transmitted
: Damn Primavera Loretta Goggi ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aZAEAfWvd4 )
I said to her dance? She said
guardandomi intensamente con un mezzo sorriso sulle labbra.
Feci il giro del tavolo, le porsi la mano.
Lei si alzo elegantemente dal suo posto.
Posi la mia mano sul dorso della sua schiena.
Lui portò il suo peso su di me e sprofondò la propria testa nel mio petto.
Io iniziai a ondeggiare al suono della musica.
Sentivo il profumo dei suoi capelli, le sussurravo che andava tutto bene, le palpavo il culo come ai bei tempi. Mi sentivo di nuovo un uomo.
Lei iniziò ad affondare le dita nella mia schiena, cercando le mie labbra.
E io non ebbi più alcuna paura.
Quel giorno abbiamo fatto l'amore tre volte di seguito e ogni volta tornavamo a ballare.
Abbiamo ballato Celentano, Cutugno, i Rich and Poor and Carrà.
Then we fell into bed exhausted, finally together.
My wife has stayed embraced me as she did when we were married.
I wanted to dance.
From that day on, my life changed.
only ate broth, we gave in and danced every day, if I danced my god!
dance all day.
danced continuously.
danced without pause. Never.
My wife was more puzzled.
danced too early, then after some time started to get tired more frequently, until it has completely stopped.
He just looked at me and backed sculettavo and home to the tune of Mas Que Nada http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp23j4ulLs8&feature=fvst ).
I kept asking if I felt good. He was afraid that my body does not properly governed.
only answer I gave her two taps sang I Will Survive ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tth-8wA3PdY )
In the neighborhood had become a celebrity.
I had also bought a striped jacket that I wore a glove and made me feel even more fluid movements. Under wore a suit acetate, from which came a gold necklace of another era. I was the idol of pensioners.
were all in love with me, all they wanted to have a good time with me and sometimes they even offered to give me the soldi per i miei "servigi", ma io rifiutavo sempre con decisione.
Amavo mia moglie, ero suo e lei era mia.
Ero proprio un povero stronzo.
Ripensandoci adesso, il cuor mi balza in gola al pensiero di quanto ho perso. Avrei potuto farmi tutto il quartiere e invece ho continuato a scopare con la mia signora finché non ho avuto un infarto.
Mentre ero disteso sul lettino dell'ambulanza, un dottorino sulla trentina, con gli occhi strabici e l'alito che sapeva di menta, mi aprì finalmente gli occhi: avevo ingerito una quantità tale di viagra da uccidere un cavallo da corsa. Non riusciva a spiegarsi come fosse possibile che non avessi ancora tirato le cuoia.
All'altro capo della città, Meanwhile, two police officers interrogated my wife.
After several hours of terrible threats and incessant questions, she finally spills the beans.
for months without my knowledge crumbling daily three tablets of Viagra in my broth and then enjoyed the results.
why I always felt a bull.
It was not a miracle, but simply the effect of sildenafil overdose. He could kill me.
Fortunately, things went differently: I have undergone a bypass graft for summary that saved my life and she ended up in prison.
I've thought and thought several times: his was a gesture of love, even though it was completely crazy. He saved our marriage, but I was almost taken away.
Our case is finished well in the paper.
for a while 'we were on everyone's lips, then everyone will have forgotten us. The glory is nice while it lasts, then back to the same life as before.
Only that I'm back to business as usual. My wife is gone. I'm just at home. I crawl from room to room, not knowing what to do.
The radio still plays, but I no longer have the strength to dance. I do not have any youth.
Occasionally, some obscure radio station transmits other times in their schedule Blighted Spring and then I cry in silence, crying as the old ones.
Time is really a great son of a bitch. I feel alone and harnessed as only a cart at the supermarket can be.
fill me with the morning and evening, I leave shit stacked together with many other geeks out in the cold and frost.
between me and freedom is a mere €, which stops the chain. A
. Only. Wretched. €. Tra. Me E. La. Freedom.
A trifle, if it were not for the fact that I have no hands or fingers, or arms, and I can not find the words to ask someone to let me go.
life, if you do not dance, it's little stuff.
becomes disarming, as a joke told badly.
* based on a true story