Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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Province, met with commuters Meroi Viterbo schedule changes, delays and overcrowding in some of the topics I remember Dino De Laurentiis

VITERBO - (m) In the afternoon of Monday, the President of the Province Marc Mero (pictured) met with the commuter rail lines in the province of Viterbo. Changes in hours not reported, delays and overcrowding of the cars, these are the topics:

"Non-compliance schedules or variations thereof may not be communicated by companies - said the president - should be penalized. And this is what we're going to ask the supervisory bodies: it is unacceptable that people should bear these disruptions that are now becoming routine. "

"Nor is it acceptable - he continued - that companies anticipate the departure times to fill the gap as well as delays. It 'time for businesses to assume their responsibilities: far scattare delle penali per i ritardi, come tra l’altro precisato dalla normativa, credo possa essere un primo”.

Ma non solo: “Chiederemo il miglioramento anche degli altri servizi – continua Meroi – a partire dalla soluzione del sovraffollamento delle carrozze, magari attraverso il declassamento, in alcuni casi, di alcun vagoni di prima classe per permettere a tutti gli utenti di trovare posto. D’altronde, più che tornare ad alzare la voce non possiamo fare, visto che la realizzazione e il finanziamento di nuove strutture non è competenza della nostra amministrazione”.

Il presidente è tornato poi sul tema nuove strutture: “Non è possibile continuare a collegare la realizzazione di alcune delle maggiori strutture del territorio con quella dell’aeroporto. Una linea ferroviaria che colleghi Viterbo a Roma in tempi non biblici e l’ultimazione della superstrada Orte-Civitavecchia sono delle priorità assolute per la Tuscia , indipendentemente dalla realizzazione dello scalo aeroportuale”

All’incontro ha preso parte anche l’assessore regionale ai trasporti, Francesco Lollobrigida che ha ribadito la sua vicinanza ai pendolari mettendo a disposizione i propri tecnici per trovare una soluzione al dilemma degli orari. Inoltre, ha confermato la nascita dell’osservatorio dei pendolari, un filo diretto tra gli utenti e la regione per raccogliere lamentele and suggestions.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

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... the next party!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

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Dino De Laurentiis on the set of Mola

Oriolo Romano - We interviewed Dino De Laurentiis in June 2005 during the filming "Decameron pie at the park Mola. A very cordial meeting, made possible by the then president of the local Agricultural University, Ettore Caggegi, and general organizer, Lucio Trentini, who testified to the helpfulness and courtesy of a man very far from being a star or a star on the cover .

In its long history as a producer, which began back in 1940, there were many films that determine the success of De Laurentiis in film ("Bitter Rice", "Poverty and Nobility," "The Great War," "The road "," Nights of Cabiria, "" War and Peace, "" The Bible " and later in America, "Serpico," "King Kong", "Death Wish", "Three Days of the Condor," "Dune"). He won also numerous David di Donatello, the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement in Film Festival in Venice in 2003 and, on Oscar night in 2001, he was awarded the prize to the memory dedicated to Irving G. Thalberg.

More than an interview, it was five years ago at the wheel, was a pleasant chat with a friendly and sympathetic character, in addition to his present wife, Martha Schumacher , we explained in detail the Decameron of the new millennium, revealing the names of the main actors, the director and those of his closest collaborators, and even a hint of the plot.

There are also to thank the city administration, the president and the entire staff Caggegi Agricultural University for the care with which the troupe was received by director David Leland Oriolo, while enhancing a charming and mysterious like that of park Mola and the picturesque waterfall formed by the river Mignone.

Dario Calvaresi

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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The perennial delays on the railroad "Viterbo- Rome

delays on the railway Roma-Viterbo, Salza: "It 's time to move really"

VITERBO - (m) The following is a note of Councillor Gianluca Salza on train delays is the pacing. "Treat Cesano-Viterbo-Rome: The Neverending Story. More than two months since the last report to the State Railways, nothing has changed. The delay is a rule, on-time only exception. Delays to no end.

Excessive and intolerable for the morning and evening time slots used by commuters particularly for work or for reasons related to the study every day they get up prima dell'alba per raggiungere il proprio ufficio nella capitale o la propria facoltà universitaria. Gran parte degli utenti tra l'altro in possesso di regolare abbonamento.

Non voglio addentrarmi in argomenti che riguardano la scarsa igiene, né tantomeno il riscaldamento pressochè inesistente all'interno dei treni, altri due tasti dolenti che vanno ulteriormente ad aggravare la situazione dei fruitori del servizio. Il mio appello è rivolto alle istituzioni, Regione, Provincia e Comune, ai rappresentanti politici e agli stessi pendolari.

Credo sia giunto il momento di muoverci davvero, di creare un gruppo di lavoro, con responsabili e delegati che possano contrastare questo totale lassismo su questo grave disagio, ma soprattutto sollecitare, incalzare e mantenere alta l'attenzione su una situazione divenuta ormai insostenibile".


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Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

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IT AGAIN ... Urban

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 11
N11 classroom at the Faculty of Engineering ,
Via della Vasca Navale 79,
verrà presentata la VI edizione
del campionato interfacoltà
di calcio a 5 maschile.
L'edizione 2010-11, organizzata dall'Ufficio Iniziative Sportive,
si svolgerà presso il Centro Sportivo
"Le Torri", Lungotevere Dante snc.
Con il patrocinio di Regione Lazio,
Comune e Provincia di Roma,
CONI Comitato Regionale Lazio,
Lazio Regional Committee of National Amateur League.
In partnership with Avis Rome
Foundation Giorgio Castelli Uniroma.tv and non-profit organization.
Twinned with Innovation Lab Sponsors of the championship, uMac.it
For information: Office of Sports Initiatives,
tel. 0657332117/8/9;
More than a game ...
... more than just a tournament!

Friday, November 12, 2010

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"For Orion parking lots become the opposition to the building ...":

From: TusciaWeb

ORIOLO ROMANO - (November 9 ) "In the last municipal council of 29 September was on the agenda the following subject: Variation of the soil PRG foglio 14 particella 275/P ex 313 P Via Bachelet. Con questo argomento la maggioranza consiliare ha proposto una variante al Piano Regolatore Generale per approvare la modifica della destinazione urbanistica del terreno sopra indicato da parcheggio ad area edificabile.

La minoranza si è opposta con forza a tale proposta perché riteneva – e tutt’ora ritiene – che in quella zona, fortemente urbanizzata, un parcheggio fosse necessario, ricordando tra l’altro che gli amministratori comunali per ben due volte hanno fatto scadere i termini per la realizzazione dell’opera!

La prima volta la realizzazione doveva essere con spesa a carico dei lottizzanti, come previsto nella convenzione dagli stessi signed, the second at the expense of the municipality, as required by the subsequent variation to the PRG.

The opposition also noted that no other ground services was bound to have changed the urban destination with a variant of this type. To conclude the record of the meeting held on the subject, in essence, the majority despite the heavy opposition protests that approved the variation to the PRG.

should ask at this point, and ask the majority: if some citizens did make its application for land under the same conditions with which you dealt with the case in question, as we would our local government? ".

center-right coalition Oriolo Romano

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Energy efficiency, a challenge won

Oriolo Romano - The City won the award for environmental sustainability and social XXVII in the National Assembly, the town of Oriolo Romano has received an award for contesto della cerimonia di premiazione della Seconda Edizione del Premio sostenibilità ambientale e sociale per il Comune - Efficienza energetica e innovazione nell’edilizia” per la realizzazione del Piano energetico ambientale comunale elaborato secondo le direttive definite nel Piano energetico regionale della Regione Lazio.

In particolare il progetto premiato rientra nella categoria 3 del premio per la fascia A di popolazione ovvero per i Comuni con popolazione inferiore a 10 mila abitanti (ovvero per la categoria relativa alle azioni di programmazione energetica ed ambientale a livello comunale o sovracomunale per la promozione dell’efficienza e del risparmio energetico nell’edilizia abitativa).

Un piano energetico comunale e un regolamento edilizio sostenibile come strumenti integrati di un unico processo che il Comune intende sostenere anche con un’incisiva azione di informazione agli operatori del settore ma anche ai cittadini.

“E' un premio importante cui la nostra amministrazione aspirava, ci fa piacere che le azioni intraprese sul risparmio energetico in questi anni ci vengano riconosciute da diverse istituzioni ed associazioni”.

Lo afferma Italo Carones, sindaco di Oriolo Romano ricordando che “su questo tema non è il primo riconoscimento che ci viene assegnato”. “Certo questo risultato ci gratifica molto, confermando la bontà di una precisa scelta fatta by a few years ago and now also are proud of our citizens, "he adds.

The jury, composed by Philip Bernocchi - Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Anci policies for Waste and Energy and President of Ancitel Energy & Environment, Prof. Giuliano BEST Dall'O'Direttore the Department of Science and Technology Built Environment of the Polytechnic of Milan, Gianni Scotti President and CEO Saint-Gobain and Italy by Gianluca Cavalloni Advocacy Manager Italy Saint-Gobain, has awarded nine local governments that have made outstanding contributions that have opted for a solution ' sustainable construction and energy efficient: in addition to the town of Oriolo Romano also the City of Villesse (Go), Carugate (I), Piobesi Torinese (To), Modena and Imola ex aequo, Venice and two terms for the Municipality of Faenza (Ra) and Montevarchi (Ar ).

Bernocchi declares Philip "the reed is very pleased with this second edition of the award, both for the number of nominations submitted by the municipalities for their high quality design, the success of the initiative indicates that, despite the difficulties operational, managerial and budgetary constraints, municipalities want to invest in sustainability. "

The Prize was also sought this year to all the Italian Municipalities and Associations and Unions of Municipalities, divided into two segments of the population (up to 10 000 inhabitants institutions and organizations for more than 10 thousand inhabitants); objective of the initiative is to exploit the best experiences of Commons in three key areas identified in three categories of applications: Category 1: Municipal housing (renovation / redevelopment and new construction), Category 2: municipal non-residential buildings and Category 3: Shares of energy and environmental planning at the municipal or supra for energy and energy savings for housing.

The award, sponsored by Ancitel Energy & Environment and the Saint-Gobain Group, this year si è anche caratterizzato per due grandi novità: una “Giuria Tecnica Popolare” costituita da un panel di esperti (tra cui architetti, ingegneri e tecnici professionisti iscritti ai rispettivi Ordini), e un sito web dedicato (www.premioediliziasostenibile.it), attraverso cui, con un sistema di votazione on-line, il panel di esperti ha potuto esprimere il proprio “indice di gradimento” sui progetti candidati.

La collaborazione tra Ancitel Energia e Ambiente e Saint-Gobain, che è alla base del Premio conferito ai Comuni, è infatti tesa a favorire l’accrescimento della consapevolezza e delle competenze delle Amministrazioni Comunali nel processo di qualificazione e riqualificazione del construction sector in terms of safety, environmental sustainability and energy efficiency.

concludes John Scott - President and CEO of Saint-Gobain Italy: "This award, inspired by the principles of innovation, reducing energy consumption and respect for the environment, is in perfect harmony with the philosophy of Saint-Gobain Group .

We believe that dialogue between the industry and that of institutions is of fundamental importance and is the true change in our time to live in modern urban centers. "


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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We receive and gladly publish


Whereas: On 30/09/2010 at the Board of Directors of Agriculture of this University, the director Daniele Fallini, supported by the entire minority, gives the President of that body and all the majority of questions for written answer, operation concerning "maintenance of rural roads and the same jurisdiction," the theme from our point of view too important that needs solution. Here

as received, the written reply of the President:

" it clear that the town of Oriolo Romano, there have been meetings on for the treatment of various problems and that, however, appartanenza the roads, at the moment, is not attributable to either the UA or to this town of Oriolo Romano .

we have any a question:

THEREFORE ... A Anyone who does the maintenance of rural roads?

The "answer", so if you can call us is given in Annex provided us a RESOLUTION OF 10/05/1979 , where we read and return you to the point "clarification":

"Among the obligations of the assignee that is also part TO KEEP IN GOOD CONDITION that roads in the plans of allocation, with faculty of the University of Agriculture in its stead assume the burden of maintaining these roads and drains, and a burden on shareholders, correspondingly, in the ratio for the front Street, an annual contribution. "

Years have passed, and is visible for all to see that this method today is neither practicable nor even less effective, JUST DOWNLOAD THE FAULTS BETWEEN ENTITIES, it quickly to go to work to make changes to the resolution and give RURAL ROADS Orioles to the right for the good maintenance and functional use of ALL U.S. CITIZENS!

Emanuele Vergina

Monday, November 8, 2010

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Monday, November 1, 2010

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Language Test for Freshmen

University of Roma Tre
Faculty of Political Science 2010-2011
Language Placement Test
reserved for freshmen
November 4, 2010 - 9:00 am:

FRENCH (36 students)
by amateurs
Hall 1A

SPANISH (32 students)
Hall 1A

GERMAN (8 students)
Hall 1A

ENGLISH (83 students)
Hall 1A

ENGLISH (175 students)
From Catapano YLENIA
Room A

ENGLISH (225 students)
to Zipolite GIULIA