Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Rituals To Become A Wolf

We receive and gladly publish


Whereas: On 30/09/2010 at the Board of Directors of Agriculture of this University, the director Daniele Fallini, supported by the entire minority, gives the President of that body and all the majority of questions for written answer, operation concerning "maintenance of rural roads and the same jurisdiction," the theme from our point of view too important that needs solution. Here

as received, the written reply of the President:

" it clear that the town of Oriolo Romano, there have been meetings on for the treatment of various problems and that, however, appartanenza the roads, at the moment, is not attributable to either the UA or to this town of Oriolo Romano .

we have any a question:

THEREFORE ... A Anyone who does the maintenance of rural roads?

The "answer", so if you can call us is given in Annex provided us a RESOLUTION OF 10/05/1979 , where we read and return you to the point "clarification":

"Among the obligations of the assignee that is also part TO KEEP IN GOOD CONDITION that roads in the plans of allocation, with faculty of the University of Agriculture in its stead assume the burden of maintaining these roads and drains, and a burden on shareholders, correspondingly, in the ratio for the front Street, an annual contribution. "

Years have passed, and is visible for all to see that this method today is neither practicable nor even less effective, JUST DOWNLOAD THE FAULTS BETWEEN ENTITIES, it quickly to go to work to make changes to the resolution and give RURAL ROADS Orioles to the right for the good maintenance and functional use of ALL U.S. CITIZENS!

Emanuele Vergina


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