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Permits help the disabled

Here is the CIRCULAR December 6, 2010, n.13
Changes to the rules governing permits for
assistance to persons with disabilities' - database on
at the Department of Public Service - Law 4 November 2010, No 183,
art. 24. (11A01923)

to public authorities in art. 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree No 165/2001
1. Abstract.
the Official Journal on November 9, 2010, No 262
and 'the law was
published November 4, 2010, No 183, entitled "Powers to the Government on
strenuous work, reorganization of institutions,
leave, expectations and permits, social security measures,
of employment services, job incentives,
of apprenticeship, female employment, as well as'
measures against undeclared work and regulations on public works and
labor disputes.. "The law will come into
force November 24, 2010.
Article. 24 of the new law concerns "
Changes to the rules on permits for the care of the handicapped in
gravity of the situation '." This provision partially
innovative scheme permission for assistance to disabled people in the law contained
February 5, 1992, n. 104 and Legislative Decree
26 March 2001, No. 151. The rule also provides for the establishment and management of
a computerized database for collecting and managing data
to the use of permits for the purpose of monitoring and control
at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Public
. The regime remains unchanged
permits, transfer and protection of home workers with disabilities for
'enjoying the same facilities for
needs of person.
This circular 'was drawn up following an investigation of work
comparison with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
and other administrations
institutionally involved in the matter, with the aim of providing information of a general nature consistent
il settore del lavoro pubblico e
privato. La finalita' della presente circolare e' quella di rendere
degli orientamenti per l'interpretazione e l'applicazione della nuova
normativa, ferme restando le autonome determinazioni di ciascuna
amministrazione nell'esercizio del proprio potere organizzativo e
gestionale. Rimane fermo quanto gia' illustrato dal Dipartimento
della funzione pubblica nella Circolare n. 8 del 2008, par. 2.2 e
2.3, a proposito dell'utilizzo frazionato dei permessi.
Prima di affrontare nel merito le questioni, si ritiene necessario
compiere una precisazione di tipo terminologico. Come noto, il
dibattito circa la terminologia da utilizzare per indicare le persone
with disabilities 'has been extensive and is' still strong. The spirit that animates the debate and
'to avoid expressions or definitions that could adversely
inherently negative value of an idea, instead
promoting the use of terms and concepts that can help highlight the value of diversity
'. At the international level, and 'now
spread the concept of "disabled person,'" which is used in
United Nations Convention of 13 December 2006
rights of persons with disabilities', which was ratified in Italy with
Act March 3, 2009 No 18. To date, having to deal with the matter,
best solution would be to follow the choices made in the
International, with the result that even in the examination of the provisions contained in
LN 104 of 1992, and that 'the law
Italian paramount (Framework Law for the assistance,
social integration and rights of persons with disabilities )
that should be taken only to the concept of a person with disabilities
'. However, for reasons of clarity leads to follow specific
in a different way, respecting the legislative text,
using different expression of "person in situation of handicap
. Although 'this expression can now be
inadequate in light of the foregoing, it is' still present in the text of that
l. No 104 and serves to indicate with clarity
the situation of disabled people in respect of which investigations have been carried out
pursuant to art. 4 of the Act itself
(Assessment of handicap). These findings, from which it can
'emergence is also a connotation of gravity'
handicap when the conditions of Article. 3, paragraph 3 (or "if
the handicap, single or multiple, has reduced the autonomy
staff, age-related ', so that it requires intervention
relief permanent, continuous and comprehensive in scope
individually or report that "the person),
are a prerequisite for the use of various
facilities provided in the law itself, the situation is serious handicap certificate
alia, the condition for the use of
permits envisaged in art. 33.
It should be noted, therefore, for greater accuracy and simplicity '
of exposure, in this circular and any subsequent
interpretive notes will be'
maintained the reference to "person with disabilities" and "person in situation of handicap
serious "while acknowledging the inadequacy of these expressions
the evolution of international law
and social custom. The following
then proceeds to illustrate the news' made
art. 24 della l. n. 183, che sostanzialmente consistono nella
restrizione dei soggetti legittimati a fruire dei permessi per
assistere persone in situazione di handicap grave, nell'eliminazione
dei requisiti della convivenza e della continuita' ed esclusivita'
dell'assistenza prestata dal lavoratore, nella ridisciplina del
diritto al trasferimento, nella previsione della decadenza nel caso
di insussistenza dei requisiti per la fruizione delle agevolazioni e
nell'istituzione della banca dati presso il Dipartimento della
funzione pubblica.
2. Ridefinizione dei lavoratori legittimati a fruire dei permessi
di cui all'art. 33, comma 3, della l. n. 104 del 1992 per assistere
people with disabilities seriously.
The main novelty 'of the law in matters of subjects
entitled to receive permission to assist a person in
severe disabilities. In this regard, paragraph 1, lit. a) Article
. Replaces the text of Article 24. 33, paragraph 3, of ln
104 and paragraph 2 of that article replaces paragraph 2 of Article
. 42 of Legislative Decree no. 151, 2001 and repealing subsection 3.
The new text of paragraph 3 of art. 33 cited states: "A
condition that the person is not hospitalized handicapped
full-time, the employee, public or private, assisting
handicapped person in a situation of gravity ', spouse, relative
or affinity within the second degree, or within the third degree if the
parents or the spouse of the person with disability in situations of
gravity 'are at least sixty-five years'
or are they also suffering from disabling diseases or have died
or missing, is entitled to receive three days of monthly allowance paid
covered by notional contribution, even in a continuous
. The said right can not 'be recognized more'
an employee to assist the person with the same
of severe disability '. For assistance at the same
child with a handicap of severe ', and the right'
recognized both parents, including adoptive
that can benefit from it either. "
According to the rule, in general, the legitimacy of the use
allowed to assist a person in a situation of serious disability
it is for the spouse and relatives and kin to the
second degree. Compared to previous legislation, the new provision on the one hand
expressly mentioned the spouse among workers
holders of the privilege, it also raised the limitation
relatives and related within the second degree.
Given the general rule The law, however, has 'made an exception for cases in which
parents or the spouse of the person to attend
have reached sixty-five years' or are they too suffering from debilitating
. Under these assumptions, estimates
prohibitively expensive or impossible to support the work of
due to age 'no longer' young or the illness of the family, the law provides for the possibility
'to extend the entitlement to
TITLE' also permits relatives and kin to the third degree
Therefore, the news 'more' important compared to the previous regime and
'represented by the restriction of the category of family that is eligible for
allowed, since' with the new rule
went from third to second degree of relationship, unless the recurrence
absence of exceptional circumstances, age ' registry or
For convenience ', it is recalled that the family relationship and the affinity of
' are defined by the Civil Code (art. 74 cc: "The
kinship and 'the link between people arising from the same frame
" Article . 78 cc: "The affinity 'and' the link between a spouse and relatives of the other spouse
). Under the law, are
first degree relatives: parents, children, second-degree relatives are grandparents,
brothers, sisters, nephews (children of children) are
third degree relatives: grandparents, uncles, nephews (sons brothers and / or sisters),
grandchildren in a straight line. Are similar at first instance: in-law / a,
daughter-in-law; sono affini di secondo grado: cognati; sono affini di
terzo grado: zii acquisiti, nipoti acquisiti.
La legge non ha definito la nozione di "patologie invalidanti". In
mancanza di un'espressa scelta sul punto, sentito il Ministero della
salute, un utile punto di riferimento per l'individuazione di queste
patologie e' rappresentato dall'art. 2, comma 1, let. d), del decreto
interministeriale - Ministero per la solidarieta' sociale, Ministero
del lavoro e della previdenza sociale, Ministero per le pari
opportunita' 21 luglio 2000, n. 278 (Regolamento recante disposizioni
di attuazione dell'articolo 4 della L. 8 marzo 2000, n. 53,
concernente congedi per eventi e cause details), which governs the circumstances in which
and 'leave may be granted for serious reasons
of Article. 4, paragraph 2, of LN 53 of 2000. In particular, they are the
: 1) acute or chronic
cause temporary or permanent reduction or loss of personal autonomy,
including chronic diseases of congenital, rheumatic,
neoplastic, infectious, metabolic, post- traumatic, neurological, neuromuscular
, psychiatric, from addictions, whether for developmental or
subject to periodic flare-ups, 2) acute or chronic
that require nursing care or frequent monitoring
clinical chemistry and instrumental, and 3) acute or chronic
requiring the active participation of the family in
Under these circumstances, which of course must be documented
all, the law allows to widen the circle of family members entitled to
benefit of permits pursuant to Art. 33, paragraph 3, of
ln 104 of 1992, estimating a priori that people with the disease
concerned are unable to provide adequate assistance
the person in need of serious disability. Therefore in
if the spouse or parents of the person in need of serious disability
infected by the diseases covered in this list
, assistance will be able ' essere prestata anche da parenti o affini
entro il terzo grado.
Come detto, si puo' passare dal secondo al terzo grado di parentela
anche nel caso di decesso o assenza del coniuge o del genitore della
persona in situazione di handicap grave. Ai fini della disciplina in
esame, si ritiene corretto ricondurre al concetto di assenza, oltre
alle situazioni di assenza naturale e giuridica in senso stretto
(celibato o stato di figlio naturale non riconosciuto), le situazioni
giuridiche ad esse assimilabili, che abbiano carattere stabile e
certo, quali il divorzio, la separazione legale e l'abbandono,
risultanti da documentazione dell'autorita' giudiziaria o di altra
pubblica autorita'.
E 'should be stressed that the ability' to move from second to third degree
assistance occurs even if only one of the entities mentioned
(spouse, parent) is not in the situations described
(absence, death or disabling diseases )
because 'in the legislation and Inventory report' The expression
disjunctive ("if the parents or the spouse of the person with disability in situations of serious
have reached sixty-five years' or they also may be suffering from disabling diseases
or are dead or missing).
3. Identification of a contact person to assist the person in the same situation
serious handicap.
As anticipated, the art. 24 of the Law, innovation, discipline
on persons entitled to receive the permits, did not mention the
requirements of continuity 'and exclusiveness' of care that are no longer so
explicitly covered by the provisions in this area. The law, however, '
expressly stated that the right to use permits "can not' be recognized more '
of an employee to assist the person with the same
of severe disability'.." With this requirement and 'was therefore
' partially re-typed and the concept of exclusivity '
assistance, limiting it to the rule that permits
may be granted to a single worker to assist the
same person. Under the law, then, is a fundamental
single point of contact for each disabled person, being the person who
assume "the role and responsibilities related 'to its place as the
point of reference for the overall management of the action, ensuring coordination and
taking care of the constant verification of compliance with
care needs. "(as' the Council of State, in the opinion
No 5078 of 2008).
Given that the issue has been received
many questions, and 'should be noted that the new rules do not preclude the possibility
expressly' for the same employee assist
more 'serious people with disabilities, with the result that, wherever the necessary
all conditions, the same worker will be able to' enjoy
also allowed to accumulate in
provide assistance to more than 'people with disabilities. With the entry into force of
new discipline, it must now be considered over the No opinion 13 of this office
2008 (footnote 8474 of 18 February 2008),
published on the website of the Department of Public Service.
Similarly, the new rules do not expressly preclude a worker with disabilities
assist another person who is in the same condition and, therefore, in the presence of
required by law, the worker will be able to 'enjoy the
permits for himself and for the family that assists disabled.
It 'clear that more protection' against the disabled adequate
and 'feasible, at least in the abstract, when they can' rely on the work of
assistance of a person who is devoted to his care
exclusively, in fact, activity 'against
paid more' family members can 'prove to be satisfactory. E '
also clear that the use of permits in a cumulative in-chief at the same
worker creates considerable discomfort to the activity' administrative
for a chance 'of frequent and protracted absences of the employee
same. These aspects should be well
evaluated by the employee wishes to apply for the use of permits cumulatively
limiting the application to situations where one side there are
other family members can assist the other is not '
can meet the needs for assistance in
limit of three days per month. The existence of those conditions,
that the employee's responsibility to declare at the time of application,
can not 'to be left exclusively to the evaluation and sense of responsibility
' of the worker, given their character
absolutely and relative difficulty 'of any
4. The position of parents who attend a child
situation in the severely disabled.
The new law has given importance to the specialty '
parental relationship. Special rules are in fact dictated
for parents who attend a child with disabilities seriously. These rules are contained in
reworked text article. LN 33 of 1992 and Article 104 of
. 42 of Legislative Decree no. 151, 2001.
assistance towards the disabled child has a scheme
more 'flexible and specific rules derogating from the "regime of
single point of contact" and that' was shown in the previous paragraph.
In fact, in accordance with paragraph 3 of article again. 33,
assistance can 'be given alternately by both parents
(For assistance with the same child with a handicap in
gravity of the situation ', and the right' granted to both parents
, including adopted children, who may benefit from either.).
Therefore, subject to overall limit of three days
monthly, daily permits can be used by
working father or mother of the worker to assist the
same child. It should be noted however that, under the new
discipline, daily permits can be enjoyed even by
parents of a child of three years in a situation of serious disability.
On the one hand, the novel has deleted from the text of
previously existing provision (paragraph 3 of art. 33 of 104 ln
of 1992) the words "after completion of the third year of life
of the child", the other parents are still included in the category of relatives
entitled under the first sentence of paragraph
concerned, so that 'it would not be justified
favorable treatment or less favorable to the parents of a child three years
compared to the rest of the relatives and the like. This' means that, in the interests of
constitutionally reasonable, the scope of Article. 33,
paragraph 3 of law prevails over the forecast Article. 42,
paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 151 of 2001 as a novella.
Possibility 'for parents of less than three years with a disability to take
permissions pursuant to art. 33 is added to the other
prerogatives provided for in Legislative Decree no. 151, 2001. So, there is still
the right of parents of a child three years in a state of
severely disabled to benefit as an alternative to daily permits
month, the extension of parental leave or rest times
paid under Article. 42 of the decree.
E 'should be noted that since the special institutions
satisfying the same purpose' of the child care
disabled, their use is to be considered alternative and not cumulative
during the month, so that 'in the month in which one of the
parents have received one or more 'days off in accordance with Article
. 33, paragraph 3, both parents will not be eligible for the same child
even two hours of daily rest,
the extension of parental leave and leave in art. 42,
paragraph 5, of Legislative Decree no. 151 of 2001 and vice versa. In fact, art. 42,
paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree no. 151 of 2001, calling the art. 33, paragraph 4, of
LN 104 of 1992 expresses the rule of cumulation 'of
rest and allowed to leave and parental leave for ordinary
the child's illness, excluding contrary to the cumulation' between
of their institutions " Special, "which are designed as alternatives
(pursuant to art. 42, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree no. 151
cited le due ore di permesso al giorno possono essere fruite in
alternativa al prolungamento del congedo parentale di cui al comma 1
dell'art. 33 del medesimo decreto). Inoltre, il comma 5 dell'art. 42
sul congedo indennizzato prevede espressamente che durante il periodo
di congedo entrambi i genitori non possono fruire dei benefici di cui
all'art. 33, comma 1, del d.lgs. n. 151 (prolungamento del congedo
parentale), ne' di quelli di cui ai commi 2 (due ore di permesso al
giorno) e 3 dell'art. 33 della l. n. 104 (permessi giornalieri).
Alle agevolazioni previste per i genitori dal nuovo comma 3
dell'art. 33 si aggiunge poi la possibilita' di fruire dei permessi
anche per i parenti and in-laws under that provision,
of course always within the limit of three days and an alternative to
5. The objective conditions for the recognition of the permits:
a) the person with disabilities should not be serious
hospital full time.
Partly as a result of the novel, the law has kept
objective condition consisting in the fact that the disabled person is not hospitalized
to attend full time. It thus confirms the interpretation already
'provided under the force of law reaffirming previous
for admission to full-time means the
shelter for the entire 24 hours. It is also clarified that the shelter
rilevante ai fini della norma e' quello che avviene presso le
strutture ospedaliere o comunque le strutture pubbliche o private che
assicurano assistenza sanitaria. In linea con orientamenti
applicativi gia' emersi anche per il lavoro nel settore privato, si
precisa che fanno eccezione a tale presupposto le seguenti
interruzione del ricovero per necessita' del disabile di
recarsi fuori della struttura che lo ospita per effettuare visite o
ricovero a tempo pieno di un disabile in coma vigile e/o in
situazione terminale;
ricovero a tempo pieno di un minore in situazione di handicap
grave per il quale risulti documentato dai sanitari della struttura
il need assistance from a parent or family.
The recurrence of the exceptional circumstances referred to above must '
of course be a suitable medical evidence that the administration and
' duty to evaluate.
b) the elimination of the requirements of cohabitation,
continuity 'and exclusive' assistance.
Article. 24, paragraph 2, lit. b) of LN 183
intervene on Article 20, paragraph 1, of LN 53 of 2000, eliminating
words from "as well as'" to "no partner".
Following this intervention, the requirements of the "continuity 'and the' exclusivity '"
assistance are no longer' expressly mentioned quali
presupposti necessari ai fini della fruizione dei permessi in
argomento da parte dei beneficiari. Inoltre, nella riformulazione
dell'art. 33, comma 3, della l. n. 104 del 1992 non e' piu' presente
il requisito della "convivenza", che era necessario per la fruizione
dei permessi prima dell'entrata in vigore dell'art. 20 della l. n. 53
del 2000. Analogamente, la legge ha abrogato l'art. 42, comma 3, del
d.lgs. n. 151 del 2001, il quale prevedeva che i permessi dei
genitori di figlio in situazione di handicap grave maggiore di eta'
potessero essere fruiti a condizione che sussistesse convivenza o che
l'assistenza fosse continuativa ed esclusiva.
6. The powers relating to the service location.
Article. 24, paragraph 1, lit. b) LN 183 of the novel has
paragraph 5 of art. 33. The new provision states: "A worker
referred to in paragraph 3 shall be entitled to choose, where possible, within the
work more 'close to the address of the person to attend and can not'
be transferred without his consent to another location .. " With the amendment and
'was envisaged that the appropriate approach
you can' get through the transfer and not 'to the address of the employee assisting
but rather to the
address of the person to attend. The novel has eliminated an inconsistency that was present in the text
the law previously in force. The transfer and the protection of
place of work, therefore, represent a tool for
the most 'easy care of the disabled. E '
should be noted that the rule, addressing the need to protect the disabled,
give the employee a right, which can' only be mitigated in the presence of objective circumstances
impediments such as lack of space
the budget allocated organic home, while
can not 'be subject to discretionary assessment or
opportunity' administration.
7. expense of the employee concerned to the use of
The employee concerned has the burden to present
appropriate application for the use of facilities provided for by law and
demonstrate that the conditions of legitimacy
through the production of appropriate documentation.
In particular, the employee and 'required to produce the minutes of the Medical Committee
which shows the determination of
severe disabilities, as well as' where appropriate, the
medical certificate which shows the debilitating disease referred to 'Art. 33,
paragraph 3, of ln 104 and medical records
mentioned in paragraph 5 above, let. a). In addition, the person concerned and '
must certify through proper documentation that is through special
affidavits, made under Articles.
46 and 47 of DPR 445 of 2000 ("Consolidated
legislative and regulatory provisions relating to administrative documentation
"), whether the conditions justifying
use of the facilities. In this regard, it is recalled that, according
with art. 76 of DPR said, "Whoever
issuing false statements, false documents form or makes use
(...) in the cases provided for in this single text 'punishable under the criminal code
and special laws.."
Furthermore, in support of the application, the applicant must submit
signed statement of responsibility 'and awareness by showing
assist the employee in respect of disability for which they are asked
facilities or require the employee
of facilities for the needs' related to your situation
of disability ';
the employee and' aware that the facilities are a
tool to assist the disabled and, therefore, recognition of the benefits
will mean the confirmation of the moral -
well as legal - to pay their actual work
the employee and 'aware that the possibility' of
enjoy the facilities increases the cost for administration and a commitment to
public spending that the state and society 'to bear
only effective protection of the disabled;
the employee agrees to immediately notify any change
of the facts and law which has the effect
loss of entitlement to benefits.
following acceptance of the application by
administration, the employee must 'inform the
change or termination of the facts and law
involving the loss of title' benefits and must 'upgrade
the documentation produced to support the instance when
what 'is necessary, even after the request
Again, and 'useful to recall the predictions of Consolidated
quoted that "The performance of an act which contains not more
'according to truth' is equivalent to using a false document." (Article 76, paragraph 2
, presidential decree No. 445 of 2000).
are repeated here as well, the rules contained in art.
55 quater, paragraph 1, lett. a), whereas in the absence of justification
the service using a false medical certificate
provides for the imposition of the dismissal, and art. 55 d,
paragraphs 1 and 2, of Legislative Decree no. 165 of 2001, which, for the same assumptions,
provides for imprisonment and a fine addition to the obligation of
compensation of pecuniary damage and harm the image caused by
. Except in emergencies
demonstrated, for the use of
permits, the applicant must 'notify the competent management
absence from the service in advance, if possible
with reference to the entire span of the month, to allow
the best organization of the 'administration.
8. Duties of administration.
administration that receives the request for use of facilities
by the employee concerned to ensure
the adequacy and accuracy of the documentation submitted,
asking, where appropriate, integration.
The measures of acceptance should be periodically monitored to
order to obtain the updated documentation and
check the current 'produced affidavits of support
instance. It draws particular attention to the needs
'to request a new medical record in case of serious disability
assessment reviewed.
the Administration shall 'statements are checked
substitute the normal way' (Articles 71 and 72 of Presidential Decree No. 445 of
2000) through its inspection services, established in compliance with Article
. 1, paragraph 62, the LN 662 of 1996, or
however, on the instructions issued by the office in charge of personnel management
. The verification must 'be carried
Periodically, a sample. In the event that the finding
proves the absence of the conditions for the legitimate use
permits, the administration will 'to cut benefits for
effect of the decline.
Of course, if part or as a result of the investigation emerged
the details of a liability 'disciplinary
employee, the administration will proceed' to
timely statement of objections to the conduct of its
procedure and, if appropriate, communication to the authorities' competent
of the elements of an offense. In addition to reload
the provisions of art. 76 of DPR 445 of 2000 on
false statements, training and using false documents, you
still remember in detail here already 'mentioned rules contained in Article
. 55 c, paragraph 1, lit. a) and Art. 55 d,
paragraphs 1 and 2, of Legislative Decree no. 165, 2001.
Please note that the initiation and outcome of disciplinary proceedings
must be notified to the Inspectorate of Public
as required by the Directive of the Minister for reforms and innovations in public administration
of 6 December 2007, n. 8.
The administration, in another form, must 'make
communications permits
enjoyed by its employees for inclusion in the database established within the Department of
function public pursuant to art. 24, paragraphs 4 to 6, the ln
183, 2010.
At first application, every administration must '
proceed to review the measures of agreement already' adopted
to verify whether the conditions laid down by
new law. In case of absence of the requirements, except
timely integration of the documents produced in the past by
concerned, the act of consent must 'be revoked and
facilities can not be more'
granted as a result of decay. Of course, the employee who is in condition to be eligible
permits in different ways under the new law will
'burden to produce a new instance
accompanied by supporting documentation.
9. The finding was the investigation resulting in forfeiture
or the weakening of the conditions for the legitimate use
Article. 24, paragraph 1, lit. c) introduces a new paragraph, 7 bis,
in body art. 33 of LN 104 of 1992. The provision
provides that "Subject to verification of the conditions for the determination of liability
'discipline, the employee referred to in paragraph 3 of
loses his rights under this article,
if the employer or the Social Security finds
the absence or lack of the required conditions for
legitimate use of the same rights.. "With the news and 'was made explicit that
since' prerogatives belong only to those who are entitled under the law in
, in the absence of legal ground, there is less chance
'use of of the facilities. The determination about
the absence of the requirements incumbent upon the employer, private or public administration
and INPS for private sector labor
Beyond 'as the literal, referring only
the employee referred to in paragraph 3 (ie, 'the worker who receives permission to
assist a person with disabilities severe) and the rights
of this article, and' clear that the rule
expressed by the provision is of more 'wide, unable
not cover all cases in which the person apparently entitled to benefits in
reality' is not in possession of legal requirements for
their legitimate use. In fact, decay, or the loss of
chance 'to continue to use permits, finding was
is the natural effect of the conditions for the legitimacy
institution and as such, it is' expected
mentioned in the text Act on administrative documentation to
about the false affidavits (the art.
75 of DPR 445 of 2000 states that "where the checks
Article 71 does not reveal the truthfulness 'of the contents of
statement, the registrant
forfeit any benefits resulting from the measure adopted on the basis of the declaration
untrue. "). So, for example, you can' check
the decline in the part of the worker with disabilities severe
taking permits for their needs on the part of the parent or eligible for
of two hours per day allowed under Article.
42 of Legislative Decree no. No. 151 of 2001.
For example, the situations that may lead to revocation
can be mentioned: the loss of
severe disabilities as a result of the review visit, death
the person in need of serious disability, the hospitalization occurred
full-time disabled, the fact that two employees take
allowed to attend the same person with disabilities
10. database at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Public
Article. 24, paragraphs 4-6, of LN 183 of 2010 provides for the establishment
at the Department of Public
a database aimed at monitoring and control on the legitimate use of
permissions granted to public employees who qualify in
as persons with disabilities or to assist another person in
disabilities grave. Le informazioni che saranno raccolte
nella banca dati saranno utilizzate in forma anonima anche per
elaborazioni e pubblicazioni statistiche.
Una volta attivata la banca dati, le pubbliche amministrazioni
dovranno effettuare adeguata comunicazione dei dati rilevanti per via
telematica entro il 31 marzo di ciascun anno.
L'attivazione della banca dati e le modalita' operative da seguire
per effettuare le comunicazioni saranno oggetto di successiva
circolare del Dipartimento.
Roma, 6 dicembre 2010

Il Ministro per la pubblica amministrazione e l'innovazione:

Registrato alla Corte dei conti il 18 gennaio 2011
Ministeri istituzionali - Presidenza del Council of Ministers No
register 1, page no 321

Healthy Breakfast Alternatives

SCHOOL counted: legalized theft

ASAS: The Letterina No 270 - Thursday, February 24, 2011 Dear Honourable Ministers

Gelmini, Brunetta,
let me through "Letterina" this week, and
They socialize with the readers of the weekly independent schools association of Sicily, a
my reflection.
An old Latin proverb stated: "ab posse valet illative them to a posse to them
not valet illative" which loosely translated means of asserting that a "must" is
can translate into a "categorical imperative" is a logical consequence, but to say a
"may use" should be translated into a "categorical duty" is illogical un'illazione.
His Ministry, Hon Gelmini, at least this time, has transformed a chance in a categorical imperative, in violation of, among other things, his decrees, the Hon Minister Brunetta,
that gave the Administration the power to disregard certain agreements wicked.
I refer to the two circulars issued on 8 February 2011 which provide another theft at schools. The first, No 11 Prot.AOODGPER .751 Regarding the "Assignments of school leaders and teachers to perform the tasks associated with implementation of the autonomy scolastica”.
Legge 23/12/1998, n 448- art. 26, comma 8. Anno scolastico 2011/2012.
La seconda, la 12 Prot.AOODGPER. 752 che riguarda: “Collocamenti fuori ruolo e comandi dei dirigenti scolastici e del personale docente presso:
• enti e associazioni che svolgono attività di prevenzione del disagio psico-sociale, assistenza, cura, riabilitazione e reinserimento di tossicodipendenti;
• associazioni professionali ed enti cooperativi da esse promossi;
• università e altri istituti d’istruzione superiore”.
Legge 23 dicembre 1998, n. 448 - articolo 26, commi 8, 9 e 10.
Pensavo che non ci fossero più motivi (Provided that the above are real and urgent) to continue to dry the remaining water poor school, but his ministry On.Gelmini, remembering that by law the administration may claim for the tasks associated with implementation of the autonomy school, the work of five school administrators and / or teachers and two hundred (and if required even more!) for the support of unions and associations, has been translated the "posse" to "they" operating, what is envisaged as a possibility, has been translated into an urgent and indispensable duty, in a real imperative. And so 700 units of school staff, the year prossimo, lasceranno l’insegnamento e/o la direzione di un istituto.
Non sarò molto specializzato in sociologia o particolarmente esperto sui valori fondanti la democrazia diun Paese, ma penso di avere ancora un poco di “materia grigia” per tenere lontano da me l’idea di negare la necessità di rappresentatività dei lavoratori e dei diritti sindacali. Anzi, a scanso di ogni equivoco, affermo subito che, senza i sindacati, specialmente quando superano le ideologie e i corporativismi, non può essere pienamente garantita la democrazia di un Paese.
Se, comunque, si vuole utilizzare personale della scuola a servizio d’organizzazioni sindacali e professionali, vorrei, almeno, che non mi si neghi, con sterili polemiche, il diritto d’indignazione e la possibilità di affermare, con piena libertà, che continuare a retribuire quanti lavorano “fuori dagli istituti scolastici”, con i soldi dello Stato, è un furto legalizzato e che l’attuale linea ministeriale che prevede di conservare i comandi nonostante i pesanti tagli delle risorse umane, strutturali ed economiche, è in pratica un omicidio programmato giacché le scuole non riescono più a dare adempimento agli attuali carichi di lavoro.
Non è credibile l’Amministrazione scolastica, non lo sono i sindacati e le associazioni che difendono, spesso a chiacchiere, la scuola pubblica e poi si prestano al saccheggio quando c'è in gioco Corporate and private interest. A
limit, let me at least, a linear and constructive proposal: proceed immediately to stabilize the number and time controls for each association that so requests and the suspension of the emoluments of "controlled" that can be paid by the unions (read also: associations, political parties ...) banking cards of the members regularly.
Thinking, still, senior staff and faculty that will be controlled / used for tasks related to the implementation of school at central and local school administrations and the Ministry of Education Institutions and other institutions, "the question arises: but support for the implementation of school would not be too technical expertise of managers called in order to contribute to the goals of education and training assigned to schools and education, in addition to study, research and technical advice to the Minister and Director-General "?
If this is so because these commands / uses?
In reality, among other things, in which 2,800 executives in 10,000 are empty (and next year it will be 3,500), exempting hundreds of school leaders to be included in the USR, and let acephalous institutions does not seem neither logical nor beneficial . We must put the emphasis on flexibility and objective criteria to select the 500 controlled?
enough to think that a head teacher, despite being the first formal qualifications, was denied because the winner of the 2004 command and then irremovable from its premises, while the very same USR Palermo were controlled by two directors who have won the same competition.
was never verified, even by the way, the contribution of core support? Schools, after a decade of independence, are still "children" to be protected? Calculated the cost of advice from support groups? The law (of the last century), which addressed at that time problems of innovation, it is not today an anachronism?
that schools can not require the full implementation of autonomy.
I think it would be easy to stop with these commands, then release the mobility for executives winners of 2004 (given also the large number of vacant seats) and then the competition for external staff in the USR as required by common sense or use the retired staff with consulting contracts.
Circular No 11 provides that the personnel to perform support duties must possess the autonomy of soft skills like planning, management and promotion, must have, therefore, a professional motivation to be part of the process d’innovazione, la capacità di porsi in relazione, di lavorare in gruppo, di assumere responsabilità e un significativo spessore culturale in ordine ai processi didattici, organizzativi e relazionali derivanti dall’autonomia.
Se i dirigenti tecnici non possono, non sanno o non debbono esercitare il compito di supporto all’autonomia, per evitare di distogliere personale scolastico dalle “aule” e/o dagli uffici della dirigenza,perché non ipotizzare una legge che preveda un ruolo autonomo con accesso attraverso un corso-concorso pubblico al quale, chiunque ne abbia i requisiti, possa partecipare?
Spero fortemente, Sigg.ri Ministri, in una risposta qualunque per l’ASASi che ha a cuore only the good of the school.
Joseph Luca,

Are Pit Seats At The Rosemont Real?

It's never easy to get by in the subtle pitfalls that life presents us every day: how to kill your boss? What about the ones you always make the same jokes every morning about the time and / or last fatto della giornata? Come allontanare i testimoni di geova senza usare un’ascia? Qual è il modo giusto per non vacillare mentre tutto attorno a te trema?
E’ proprio vero, a volte servirebbe un:


Occorre fare una piccola, doverosa, essenziale premessa: se avete qualcuno che vi sta particolarmente sul cazzo la prima regola è non farglielo capire, per nessun motivo. Tenete sempre bene a mente quel che diceva Sun Tzu nei trentasei stratagemmi: “la guerra è il Tao dell’inganno”. Dissimulate quindi, ingannate, mettete a proprio fetentone the home, show more stoned than you actually are, this will be very useful later.
Remember also that annihilate the other never gives anything but fleeting sensations, in the end you will be disappointed, can not imagine who knows. If
so far everything is clear, we can begin:

Needed for one person: An enemy

gr 500 gr 500
beans 1 onion Nutella

a cigarette
a camera
a free wall at home


  1. As mentioned in the introduction, you assolutamente conquistare la fiducia della persona prescelta, senza ovviamente perdere la dignità. Per questo non ci vuole molto allenamento, ma solo faccia come il culo e tanto odio, due ingredienti che odiando una persona fioriscono copiosi come margheritine ai bordi dei marciapiedi.

  2. Utilizzando tale fiducia dovete riuscire ad ottenere un incontro con tale persona in un luogo chiuso, possibilmente molto ristretto. Un ascensore andrebbe benissimo, ma questo presuppone che riusciate a prevedere i suoi movimenti.. Se questo non è possibile o è troppo rischioso, andrà benissimo anche una stanza piccolina o un qualsiasi ambiente particolarmente claustrofobico.. insomma fate voi.

  3. Un paio di ore prior to the meeting prepared the field of war:

    1. In a pan fry the onion, pour in the beans, bring to cooking, then pour into a bowl, add the Nutella and stir until a thick batter thick

    2. you appeal to all your hate and eat the concoction, as fast as you can.

    3. Take a deep breath

    4. Prepare a coffee

    5. you smoke a cigarette

    6. Go to the encounter, putting your best outfit

  4. As soon as your man or your woman (or both) enter the desired location, If we put the lift, welcome them with your dazzling smile

  5. Close doors and / or doors.

  6. Now finally dropped the fart that was dormant for too long in your gut. The Zen Master usually makes sure that it is absolutely silent, to enhance the effect, in each case must be colossal. If you are not sure to succeed, work out at home until you get the effect apocalypse silent, always remember that Sun Tzu said: The lion uses all its power to kill even a rabbit.

  7. As you all know, farts have the inestimable advantage of being lethal for others, but fresh water for those who disengages. Enjoy every moment of stunned amazement of your nemesis, his face to the right and left wondering what's going on, the terror that fills his eyes.

  8. If you're in the elevator, the elevator stopped, and if you are in an enclosed space, position yourself in front of the exit to block it.

  9. to your question "but that is not ... ..". You respond promptly: "yes" and a thunderous sganciatene, without any rest, you have to act to kill.

  10. agonizzerà While your opponent before you, you can indulge in evil laughter, style Dracula in the movies Ford Coppola.

  11. Take a camera and photographed in sequence: the face of suffering, your joyful face.

  12. check out and let someone call the ambulance, her heart swelling with pride.

  13. went on to develop the photos.

  14. Hang these pictures on the wall of the house, so remember your value in the dark months.

  15. Repeat procedure with other parties after a couple of weeks. Let your glory time to sprout up everywhere.

Well, now that you know what to do and how to do, ask yourself: is it really worth? He will not change anything, really.
Sun Tzu said: Whoever gives one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the most skilled ever, and conversely, those who do not even give battle, and submit your opponent's troops, is the most skilled of all.

* by popular demand

Friday, February 25, 2011

What Does A Star Pokemon Card Mean

February 25 February 26, 2011 2011 February 24, 2011



Gran bel mondo, to feisbuk

Daniele Zito: I just found out I had cancer. Not I have left a few days of life.
February 25 at 11:01 am - Like - A Comment
Xao Ping and Aureliano Torrecamonica like this.


Rossana LaRossa nooooo! crazy! but are you really sure? I thought last week of being sick and instead was simply unwell. Think of how stupid! Sometimes the body makes fun of us, it happens to everyone! He does this to test our optimism, I told my therapist! Do not get scared. Try to think positive instead. It works! Lol!
February 25 at 11:01 am - I like

Rossana LaRossa and good luck ;-)
February 25 at 11:01 am - I like

Italo Pratino Quote Rossana. He's right: all our thoughts at every moment creates the reality we live in every moment. What we thought yesterday has created our reality today. What we think today will create our reality of tomorrow. And so on. It 's all an illusion, Dani, you know? The cancer does not exist! Do not be fooled by the plutocracy of the doctors! You look great, you just know it. Have you tried meditation?
February 25 at 11:02 - I like

Roberto Robertetti But what positive thinking, meditation and caps dick: miscrosfere radioactive Dani: RADIOACTIVE MICROSPHERES. Bombard the cancer and make an ass like that !!!!!
I have given my cat, and within two weeks was completely cured! They are miraculous, Dani. Believe me!
February 25 at 11:04 am - I like

Italo Pratino @ Roberto:
February 25 at 11:04 am - A Ross LaRossa like this element

Bonaventure LaPorta You should try the mud baths. You'll win anyway:
if you work you will be freed from the tumor in an economical way; if you do not work: well .. at least you'll already accustomed to the earth!
February 25 at 11:06 am - A Xao Ping and Aureliano Torrecamonica like this

Aureliano Torrecamonica beautiful brothers!
February 25 at 11:07 am - A Aureliano Torrecamonica like this

Xao Ping ahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah
February 25 at 11:07 am - I like

Saints Comis ahahahahahhahahaahahahahaha appears but where did you leave?
February 25 at 11:09 - A Aureliano Torrecamonica like this

Aureliano Torrecamonica Zelig pure!
February 25 at 11:10 - A Aureliano Torrecamonica like this

Batman ERobin
February 25 at 11:49 - A Xao Ping, Aureliano Torecamonica and 27 other friends like this

Ponyo Brynhild Get a thread.
the Part tie the trigger of a gun on you, the other to the door handle of a room where there is someone.
At this point you just have to call "Someone", locked inside the room, loudly.
When someone opens the door.
away the cancer, the pain away!
February 25 at 11.15 - I like

Xao Ping ahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhaahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahah FAN-TA-STI-CA!
February 25 at 11:16 - I like Batman

ERobin I've got one better:
Learn more about zoo near your home. As soon as they are organized to visit.
Remember to choose a nice winter day (this could be complicated: it depends on how much time you have left).
If you can find it, put the gloves early in the morning, otherwise forget it. It 'absolutely important that your hands are at least ten degrees of difference from the ambient temperature. If the gloves do not work, clap your hands on your knees vigorously to warm them very well.
February 25 at 11:15 - I like

Ponyo Brynhild And then?
February 25 at 11:15 - I like Batman

And then went to the zoo, take a hint and ask the attendant to let you enter the cage of lions. To his astonishment, respond calmly with a tow hundred euros should be enough to open any door.
Once you've introduced in the cage, take great care not to make some noise and position yourself in front of the most ferocious lion. Stay in front of him until dawn, taking care not to wake him. It 'absolutely important that the lion did not sniff danger. If you can, the worst is over.
Shortly before dawn, Take off your gloves and let your hands to cool quickly. It 'been shown that the hands that are about ten degrees above the ambient temperature, if left without gloves, reach in a few seconds at a temperature much lower than that of any living mammal.
Once your hands have become the blade, wooden settles a tremendous tumbulata a lion with all the strength you have in your body. On his rude awakening, respond promptly to his astonished gaze with a joyful "svegliaaaaaaa !!!!".
should be enough a risolvere qualsiasi problema.
25 febbraio alle ore 11.18 - Mi piace

Rossana LaRossa Povero leone... Siete i soliti maschilisti anti-animalisti! Vi odio!
25 febbraio alle ore 11.18 - A Italo Pratino piace questo elemento

Batman ERobin Suca!
25 febbraio alle ore 11.18 - A te Aureliano Pratino e altre 25 persone piace questo elemento

Ponyo Brunilde ahahahahahhahhahahhhahaahahahhahahhahahhahahahha
25 febbraio alle ore 11.15 - Mi piace

Xao Ping Dani, prova a fare come Mary Poppins!
25 febbraio alle ore 11.19 - Mi piace

Italo Pratino . In what sense?
February 25 at 11:19 am - I like

Xao Ping Like Mary Poppins, Dani: as Mary Poppins! Without
take as a governess, a rich middle-class British, stuffed her children to drugs of various kinds and sing their strange songs that invite abuse of drugs (eg, "just a bit 'of sugar helps the medicine go down" or "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"). In short, make their life full of joy and wonderful imaginary friends, so when you find yourself on the roof at the time of committal, you can enjoy their urletti shrill: "Noooo not andareeeee Mary."
You can then look into their eyes blurred from abuse and tell them: "I will always be with you, my cherubs."
not done this you have left to do is throw open the umbrella and underneath.
If you really want to make everything too simbatico, just before crashing to the ground screaming aloud: "By the way Mr. Perkinnnnnssssssss .."
"What Maryyyyyyy?"
"His wife makes with the spazzacamminoooooooooooooo"
February 25 at 11:22 - I like

Aureliano Torrecamonica ahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahah beautiful brothers!
February 25 at 11:25 - A Aureliano Torrecamonica like this

Batman ERobin ahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahah beautiful! ahahhahaahahahhahhahahahahhahahhaahaahhahah
February 25 at 11:26 - I like

Lorena Guardalupo Poor Mary Poppins ....
February 25 at 11:26 - I like

ERobin Suca Batman!
February 25 at 11:26 - Aureliano Pratino to you and 25 other people like this

Ponyo Brynhild ahahahahahhahhahahhhahaahahahhahahhahahhahahahha
February 25 at 11:27 am - I like

Pietrino Gaezza Dani, remember that whether smoking causes cancer, the cancer beat him. It is not chemistry, it's just self-defense.
February 25 at 11:27 am - I like

Ponyo Brynhild I do not get ....
February 25 at 11:27 am - Do you like this

Pietrino Gaezza
February 25 at 11:29 - For you and Giusy Ravalli like this

Italo Pratino Film wonderful. Thanks, Pietrini. You're number one!
February 25 at 11:29 - For you and Giusy Ravalli like this

LorenaGuardalupo Dani, hai provato con l'omeopatia?
25 febbraio alle ore 11.32 - A Ennio Annio piace questo elemento

Ennio Annio Decotto di cipolla e Zenzero, Gocce di rosmarino, Tisana all'eucalipto e ti passa tutto ;-)
25 febbraio alle ore 11.32 - Mi piace

Rossana LaRossa Ennio, hai qualcosa anche per la stitichezza? Non vado in bagno da giorni.. HELPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25 febbraio alle ore 11.35 - Mi piace

Batman ERobin
25 febbraio alle ore 11.35 - Mi piace

Ennio Annio @ Ross: Decoction of beans and prickly pear. Lol!
February 25 at 11:45 am - I like

Rossana LaRossa @ Ennio: TVB! Try it now! YUPPPIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!
February 25 at 11:46 - I like

Ennio Annio :-)
February 25 at 11:46 - I like

Ian Marsani Daniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii we feel about skype? I have to tell a beautiful thing. (Ps I'm sorry for cancer)
February 25 at 11:47 - I like

Smurfette Catanese You are here to complain and while the world turns, caro Daniele. E' inutile: sei sempre il solito egoista di sempre.
A proposito, ieri ho rivisto il mio ex. Era con una donna: ti giuro l'avrei scarramato di legnate sui denti.
fanno subito a chiavare questi ex di oggi, manco il tempo di lasciarsi. Che tristezza.
25 febbraio alle ore 11.47 - A te piace questo elemento

Ovunque Proteggi Quando le pubblichi le foto della chemio? Dai dai dai dai..... Se le pubblichi taggami!
25 febbraio alle ore 11.49 - A te piace questo elemento

Rossana LaRossa
Lentamente muore chi diventa schiavo dell'abitudine,
ripetendo ogni giorno gli stessi percorsi,
chi non cambia la marca,
who does not risk and change the color of the clothes,
does not talk to those who do not know.
He or she who shuns passion,
who prefers black on white, dotting the "i" rather than a set of emotions,
the kind that make your eyes glimmer, that turn a yawn a smile, those that make
the heart beat before mistakes and feelings.
February 25 at 12:00 pm - A Italo Pratino like this

Italo Pratino
Slowly dies who does not overthrow the table
who is unhappy at work,
who does not risk certainty for uncertainty, for
chase a dream, who does not allow at least
once in their lives to flee from sensate advises.
Slowly dies who does not travel, does not read, does not listen to music,
who does not find grace in himself.
Dies slowly he who destroys pride,
who refuses to be helped, who spends his days complaining of his bad luck or the incessant rain.
February 25 at 12.02 - A Ross LaRossa like this

Rossana LaRossa But you also know ?!?!?!?
February 25 at 12:02 - I like

Italo Pratino
Let's avoid death in small doses, reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort far greater than the simple fact di respirare.
Soltanto l'ardente pazienza porterà al raggiungimento di una splendida felicità.
25 febbraio alle ore 12.03 - A Rossana LaRossa e Lorena Guardalupo piace questo elemento

Lorena Guardalupo Grande Italo! (cuoricino nero)
25 febbraio alle ore 12.03 - Mi piace

Daniele Zito Ho paura, tanta paura... Vi prego aiutatemi.....
25 febbraio alle ore 12.03 - A Xao Ping, Aurelianto Torrecamonica e altri 30 piace questo elemento

Ennio Annio La paura è naturale, Dani.
Lasciala scorrere dentro di te. Fa bene: dilata i pori
Non devi preoccuparti: ci siamo qui noi.
Saremo sempre con te.
Capito, Dani?
Saremo sempre con te.
Per sempre, Dani.
Per sempre ;-)
25 febbraio alle ore 12.05 - Mi piace

Rossana LaRossa Ha ragione Ennio: noi siamo i tuoi amici...
non ti abbandoneremo mai
25 febbraio alle ore 12.25 - A Xao Ping, Aurelianto Torrecamonica e altri 30 piace questo elemento

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Patons Knitting Patterns

Le sei cose per cui vale la pena vivere oggi sono:

  1. Le persone che hanno la vita palindroma

    Da qualunque lato le leggi, vedi sempre le stesse cose: the same mistakes are repeated, the same figures to back that shit dire, eternal emotional symmetry that leads to ever fall in love with the same type of people, always committing the same naivete. Evidently, in a universe chaotic and senseless people suffer palindrome fiercely the charm of these symmetries: give order to their actions and their thoughts.
    E 'futile thinking to change them, they wear their inconsistency with pride, theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  2. People who like to solve problems planning a trip, although I doubt that anything can never be resolved.

    There is no point, in fact, beginning to find themselves.
    There is no point to live for always saying goodbye to some people, certain places, certain words.
    It is useless even disappear for a while ', the illusion of forgetting, then who knows what. At the end we always end up always and inevitably belong to those people, at that place, the memory, to the violence that we delude ourselves to flee, and stoned like dogs incimurriti.

    No. You do not need to own anything, this continual chase without ever coming to anything, except the anxiety.
    But yet still, despite all this, sometimes it works (giuro!).
    For the simple reason that we have no control over anything, ever, and is expected to occur more very rare.

  3. The immense destructive power of a fart in an elevator.

    so much power imposes a great responsibility. Just try it.

  4. People decompose gracefully

    Easy to love, easy to forget: almost perfect.

  5. The farewells

    Why end up with a promise to continue as the love letters.
    why are so poignant.

  6. Dostoevsky was right: beauty will save the world .
    When you have finished with us.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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"Ensuring the public right to water and clean and accurate information" crowded meeting of the PD with citizens

by OnTuscia

VITERBO - (m) "It 's unacceptable that, after ten years of inaction, it rests on the citizens and businesses with the emergency due to the high concentration of arsenic in water. Instead of looking for exemptions and postponements or resort to palliative measures, such as drinking fountains, the relevant bodies to assume their responsibilities and plan and action to permanently resolve the problem. " And 'as confirmed Monday afternoon in a crowded conference room of the Province, who attended the meeting sponsored by the Pd II circle of Viterbo and the Association of Democratic Ecologists, in collaboration with the group of Pd to the Region Lazio, on the theme: "Emergency arsenic. Clean water and public .... "
"You avoid the patches and shortcuts. We put, however, work to give serious answers, adopting the best technologies available to us, and guarantee the right to drinking water, "said Roberto Innocenzi, coordinator of the second circle, which opened the proceedings, Benghazi Battisti , provincial councilor and mayor of Corchiano, Joseph Parroncini, Regional Councillor, and Julia Arcangeli, head of the Provincial Forum of the Democratic Party for the program. Particularly interesting is the contribution they have made on a scientific level, Silvia Rita Stazi, a researcher in Agricultural Chemistry, and Francesca Lotti, collaborator Research in Geology, both from the University of Tuscia.
Making dearsefinicatori in the municipalities concerned, to arrive to ensure, within a few weeks, clean water immediately, the supply of drinking water in areas at risk with the use of tankers, accurate information to citizens on the data and Possible health risks: these are some of the proposals outlined in the discussion. "The well attended today's stressed-Innocenzi-shows how strong the need for information on such an important issue which concerns the protection of health and the environment in which we live. Continue in the coming days, at the initiative of the Pd defense of fundamental rights. "
Water is a common good, which, according to the PD and Ecodem, must be safeguarded through the strengthening of the public functions of planning, regulation and control of water service and effective management industry. E ', this, the principles underlying the bill introduced by Democratic Party in Parliament, last October, for the reform of water management system. Clear its opposition to forced privatization imposed by the government.
During the debate, spoke, among others, Claudio Curti, board of directors of Thales.

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The six things that make life worth living today are:

  1. We would like T9 for the issues every day, especially those of love, find, or groped to find and automatically, what to do and what to say, how to behave, what to look for, what to feel, without fail every time, like fools.

  2. The world's most popular extreme sport

    Living what does not exist.

    E ' dangerous, terribly dangerous, often life threatening. Rarely one can escape the addiction, and even when it succeeds, we are reduced as larvae, full of pieces that do not fit more with each other, and just as lame lines that have lost their rhyme.
    Yet despite all this, is a hugely popular sport.
    No wonder that many of the people you know, even those that seem to be more mild and harmless, are champions in this discipline. Must train the eye to be able to find them at first glance, they are like us, are among us, in some cases we are.

    Evidently no one likes more the reality. For some reason, then.

  3. Grammar

    As a child I lived on the first floor of a building in a working class neighborhood. From the balcony the way he always seemed so close, it was a constant temptation.

    course, like all children, always dreamed of jumping from one balcony to another. I was hours and hours to fix the possible points of support, the holds, the gap between the departure and arrival trying to figure out if I would survive or not.

    Actually, my dream was to bounce on the threads of linen, and be raised even higher, up, up, up in heaven, but this, I was already aware despite her young age, it was impossible.

    Ricordo ancora i giorni passati bruciando sotto il sole estivo a guardare giù, appoggiato alla ringhiera.

    Tra me è l'infinito c'era l'indicativo della risoluzione, il passato prossimo della rincorsa, il condizionale della paura, l'imperativo dell'esortazione, il congiuntivo delle bestemmie, il futuro dell'ultimo istante di terra sotto i piedi e poi l'infinito del volo, puro, semplice, limpido nel suo candore.

    Probabilmente quell'infinito sarebbe stato l'ultimo verbo che avrei conosciuto, il verbo dell'assenza di un tempo, il punto in cui non c'è più né passato né presente né futuro, ma solo il lento dispiegarsi di qualcosa che già è, senza alcun bisogno di alcun senso. Semplice e perfetto.

    Adesso, ogni volta che guardo giù, dal balcone della mia nuova casa, mi prendono le vertigini. Sono vertigini grammaticali, mi dico, cercando di sorridere, ma in realtà non so se sia paura di cadere o voglia di volare.

    E così capita un po' a tutti: vorremmo l'infinito, ma nel migliore dei casi viviamo nel condizionale; alcuni poi vivono nella nostalgia del passato remoto, altri nell'illusione del futuro anteriore, ma in fin dei conti siamo tutti incatenati l'uno con l'altro e tutti legati allo stesso tempo grammaticale.

    La vita è proprio sgangherata, puttana della miseria.

  4. Il cuore (ritratto poetico)

    The heart is a small kingdom.
    The heart has few inhabitants.
    The heart is thick and dark as the soul, when it is fragile, they breathe faster, it finds the way home.
    The heart is full of grooves that the crack on each side, are called thoughts.
    The heart is black as night.
    The heart is just as courage.
    serves little, loves little, always dies too soon.

  5. Always

    Our grammar is infinite bodies kissing each other, our ways are the friendly of the gerund, its rolling over the bodies, our names are created from verbs the participle, the miracle that unfolds and reveals, we are care of the indicator, the only time it contains, so the infinite in its womb, our point is that little warm, tender meat, which is us, when we come together and really makes no sense to speak of "I" or of "you."

    Why burn in the fire, in the heat of bodies lose shape, in our eyes that cross becomes light, weightless travel in the wind, the wind too. Breath that burns. And it's nice to get back to the south, all the South, though the South is always somewhere else.

    And then maybe someone will find the right words and then it's all over.

    The words that open the heart, those who are like balm on the wounds, words that console and give strength, the words that free us from evil.

    Yes, maybe someone will find them wherever they hide, the smusserà, districherà their nodes, mitigate their glow, make them like the dust that the wind carries in his turn and turn over, endlessly and aimlessly. The

    find and use. So really it's all over.

    But basically, I do not care much.

    For me they can also remove all: the sun, night, stars, china, pandas, hippos, coffee machines, the old folks in line at the supermarket, can really remove everything, and close the curtain, not matter.

    We will be elsewhere.

  6. Epilogue

    not ever float in infinite space, or I'll see the earth from afar.
    It's a little 'bad, yet it is so.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rayovac 15 Minute Charger Review

February 23, 2011 February 22, 2011 February 19, 2011


The six things that make life worth living today are:

  1. love blowing slipping from our mouths between their teeth, the languages \u200b\u200byou touch, the complicity of saliva , skin scarring.
    approach the face of the night, sleep, and so how does the wick by a wick which passes the fire. E poi mordicchiare i suoi capelli, la mattina, subito dopo il risveglio, così da morderne ricordi e incubi.

  2. Ci sono persone che sono cucine, sono piene di ripiani, hanno tavoli, sedie, fornelli, coltelli, taglieri, dentro di esse gli altri cucinano, lavano piatti, parlano di notte, quando il resto della casa dorme, sprofondata nel silenzio.

    Altre persone invece sono chiaramente salotti, arredati più o meno con gusto, nel migliore dei casi dentro di esse circolano le notizie sulla prossima rivoluzione; nel peggiore dei casi ci sono solo bambini stravaccati sul divano che guardano la tv.

    Altri ancora sono soggiorno, restano sulla soglia della vita come sulla soglia di casa, senza apparent reason, they never manage to acquire depth or meaning, and remain so: beautiful is a bit 'deserts, until the owner does not pull down a wall and unites them in some other environment.

    Some, then, are clearly no longer on them and there is little to say, let's just say are essential. Others are

    bedrooms, their walls are hung with paintings more or less licentious or crucifixes (who knows why later), are heated only at night, when they are invested by desires and passions of the housemates. From their windows, sometimes, you see the sea.

    Then there are people who prefer: what are the attic, hidden somewhere in those little sotto il tetto, quelle piene di cianfrusaglie e ricordi, quelle colorate, polverose e sgangherate. Tu entri dentro di loro e improvvisamente le cose riacquistano senso, i conti che non tornavano, magicamente iniziano a tornare, l'urlo che avevi in gola finalmente riesce a uscire, il mondo che ti circondava da ogni parte smette di parlare. Dentro di loro ti senti placato. E la cosa più bella è che sai che sono là: passano gli anni, cambiano i governi, ti cresce la pancia, ti imbiancano i capelli e loro sono sempre là, a ricordarti che la vita ha dei modi strani e complicati per sorriderti.

  3. La gelosia, ovvero il lato oscuro della solitudine

    Il suo volto più torbido, quello without redemption or forgiveness. In his day, love makes her dress more foul-mouthed and obscene, the other looks at us smiling, and we die inside, words can not go out, eyes shut in anger, the memories burn and stain the shade paranoid suspicion, every gesture, every movement, every word becomes a sign that we can not interpret. Great ugly beast, jealousy, devouring everything and then, slowly, day after day, devouring you.

  4. Are we alone in the universe? (poetry pocket)


  5. The nouvelle paranoia.

    happens that in 30 years, when you least expect it, to shot, you get an idea totally irrational and completely out of place you start thinking "Damn I die, for no reason, without notice. You look around and find people who only eat, dogs that shit on one plate free of pavement, cars lined up and Moroccans who try in vain to sell their drivers, and racist dickhead, lighters. Nobody will notice anything, life continues to flow easily without wrinkles, whereas you would only find a secluded place to die in peace.

    Then, it is coming, the feeling is gone, but you remain convinced that there is not a game and then start calling people so important, just to hear them, trying not to worry about them, and you respond like that, you tell their dicks, so stupid compared to the prospect of death (which they know? Tze), until you start thinking of being premature aging, because otherwise you would have the paranoia of the young men and not those of the elderly blennies.

    Bella's life, eh?

  6. Epilogue *

    Where is the G spot in women?

    On the left, in my chest, hidden in the chest cavity between the ribs. It does nothing but beat.

* by popular demand